
Planning/Assessment/Professional Days (No Classes for Students) 
All schools: No classes 
Aug. 14, 15, 16, 17,18; Oct. 26, 27; Jan. 5; Feb. 2, 20; April 2; June 1.

11 Professional Days Total (see breakdown below) 
Minimum of 4.5 days for teacher, self-directed planning distributed in meaningful increments; three days for principal-directed professional development; three days for data culture/analysis.

Notes: SLT to determine which non-student contact days are planning vs. professional; professional learning opportunities for teachers across the district will be provided centrally on Aug. 15, Oct. 26, Feb. 2.

Attendance is at school leader discretion, but some flexibility decisions will require teacher attendance on these days; additional recommendations and guidance will be provided on the Professional Learning Center website: