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We're Improving How You Get Paid with True Pay

Starting July 1, we're improving how DPS team members are paid and simplifying how most of us request and track time off. With True Pay, our new time and pay system, all team members will receive two paychecks, one on the 7th and one on the 22nd of every month. For all of us, this means more frequent, accurate paychecks and the ability to more accurately track our time off and available leave.

We've created for you to find information and an FAQ on our new pay processes. We're developing calendars to help you understand what your summer pay schedules look like. In the meantime, consider adjusting your W4 tax exemptions and make necessary changes to your automatic billing cycles (for your energy, phone or water accounts, for example).

Also, as a member of Team DPS, you have free access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Call 855-327-1377 to talk with certified public accountants and certified financial planners for help with budgeting, debt management, tax issues and other money concerns.

We understand this is a significant change, and we'll be communicating more about it and how you can prepare in our newsletters.