Collaborative School Committee (CSC)
What is a Collaborative School Committee?
The Collaborative School Committee (CSC) brings together families, staff and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within a school. This committee meets on a regular basis throughout the school year and is an opportunity for key stakeholders to have a voice in their school.
We recommend that the CSC serves as the primary family involvement structure for schools, and that the other structures (such as Title I Family Engagement and ELA Parent Advisory Committees) function as subcommittees.
Colorado law requires all schools to have a CSC to increase the amount of accountability and family involvement in our schools. (To learn more about the law and guiding DPS Board of Education policies, see the "Relevant laws and policies" section below.)
The CSC is one of five school committes. See the School Committee Matrix for more information about the scope of work of each of these committees.
DAC-CSC Updates
The District Accountability Council (DAC) makes spending priority recommendations to the Board of Education after consulting with CSC/SACs. Members are invited to provide feedback via a 5-10 minute survey. The survey is intended to collect your feedback not only on district-level spending priorities but also on how the budgeting process at your school has recently gone for the 2025-26 school year.
Don't forget to register for the virtual DAC-CSC meet-up on February 27th! This is an opportunity to connect with other CSC committees and share best practices.
CSC Budget Training Materials - January 7, 2025
Links to training materials can be found here:
- Training Recording (all consent decree languages)
- Budget Slide Deck: English
- Budget Slide Deck: Spanish
- Training Q&A
- School Budget One Pager (English/Spanish)
- Resource Toolkit
Intro to CSC Courses
Don't forget to view our "Intro to CSC" self-paced courses.
- The training is available to the community in all consent decree languages on the DPS website. Please share with your communities!
- The course is also posted in Learning Space for staff credit. Please search "Intro to CSCs" to find the course.
What are the CSC's responsibilities?
Every school is required by state statute to have a School Accountability Committee (SAC), which are known as CSCs in Denver. The CSC is an advisory committee and responsible for:
- Providing guidance, evaluation, and recommendations to the Principal and/or the Instructional Superintendent about:
- Publicizing opportunities for parents to serve on the CSC, ensuring the diversity of parents on the CSC reflects the diversity of the school's population.
- Helping the school implement the DPS family engagement policy (such as that outlined by the Family Empowerment Team)
- Helping school personnel increase parents' engagement with teachers, including (not not limited to) parents' engagement in creating students' READ Plans, Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP), and habitual truancy prevention plans.
- Spending priorities
- Preparing a school's Unified Improvement Plan (and school priority improvement and turnaround plan, if required)
- Discussing whether school leadership, personnel, and infrastructure are advancing implementation of the public school's improvement plan (or priority improvement or turnaround plan, whichever is applicable); discussing any other progress pertinent to the public school's accreditation contract with the Board
- Principal development plans and evaluations
- Providing input for principal evaluations as it relates to the CSC
- Increasing family engagement, especially ensuring that parents represent the diversity of the student body (including race, free/reduced lunch, limited English proficiency, and disability--as described by Colorado law (.pdf)). The committee's activities to increase parent engagement must include, but need not be limited to:
The CSC does NOT:
- Participate in the day-to-day operations of the school;
- Involve itself in issues relating to individuals (staff, students, or parents) within the school
- Involve itself in personnel issues (the School Personnel Committee will stand alone according to the current DPS/DCTA contract)
- Advocate for their own perspective, rather than for the greater good of the school
What is the difference between CSCs and PTAs?
As explained above, CSCs are required by state law and have specified responsibilities and structures. While parent-teacher organizations can look and feel similar to a CSC — in that they are comprised of parents and teachers, and facilitate family-school partnership — they serve different functions. The National Parent-Teacher Association is an advocacy organization focused on engaging and empowering families in schools. Parent-teacher organizations can work with the National PTA to formalize governance structures and receive membership benefits. For more information about PTAs, contact Cindy Daisley of the Colorado PTA at
CSC Resources
CSC Handbook & Templates
- CSC Handbook (gdoc.)
- CSC Handbook Spanish (gdoc.)
- Election nomination letter template (.doc)
- Ballot template (.doc) (Note: Google Forms can also be used for the teacher election.)
- Election results letter template (.doc)
- CSC composition bylaw changes form (.doc)
- CSC Principal Performance Review Survey (.gdoc)
- CSC membership registration (paper registration form (.doc)
- Sample meeting agenda (.doc)
- Sample meeting minutes (.doc)
Letters to parents
- Combined letter (recommended)
- Combined governance letter (English) (.doc)
- Combined governance (Spanish) (.doc)
- Combined governance (Vietnamese) (.doc)
- Combined governance letter (other translations) (.zip)
- CSC-only letter
- CSC-only governance letter (English) (.doc)
- CSC-only governance letter (Spanish) (.doc)
- CSC-only governance letter (Vietnamese) (.doc)
- CSC-only governance letter (other translations) (.zip)
- ELA-PAC and ELA-DAC-only letter
- Click on our downloadable Training Toolkit for helpful resources to share with your CSC.
- See the CSC Resources page for additional links to resources, organized by the month they are needed.
- The Calendar page provides an overview of how all these governance structures fit together during the school year.
- If other tools/resources would be helpful, feel free to let us know here
Building CSCs
- Building Effective CSCs (PowerPoint) (.ppt)
- Building Effective CSCs Slide Deck (All Consent Decree Languages)
- Building Effective CSCs (Trainer Guide) (.pdf)
- CSC Membership Elections and Meetings (PowerPoint) (.pdf)
- CSC Membership Elections and Meetings (Trainer Guide) (.pdf)
- CSC Membership Graphic (.pdf)
Relevant laws and policies
- DPS Board of Education policies on CSCs and Family Engagement (Including Title I Family Engagement)
- Regulation for Family Engagement (Including Title I Family Engagement)
- Colorado statutes about CSCs (.pdf)
- Relevant excerpts of the Denver Classroom Teachers Association agreement (.pdf) (full agreement here (.pdf))
Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) and Budget
- UIP, Budget, and School Performance Framework (PowerPoint) (.pdf)
- UIP, Budget, and School Performance Framework (Trainer Guide) (.pdf)
- UIP and School Performance Frameworks One Pager (English/Spanish)
Please go to this link to upload the supporting documents for the CSC/SAC and Title I (Title I schools).
Office of Family and Community Engagement (FACE)
Emily Griffith Campus
1860 Lincoln Street, 12th Floor
Denver, CO 80203Email:
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email