• Denver Public School Office of Talent logo

    The Office of Talent plays an essential part in ensuring we create systems and structures that create a safe and welcoming environment for our students and adults.  Our work will ensure that we turn our district's vision of Every Learner Thrives into a reality.  

    As outlined throughout the Strategic Roadmap, we will:  

    • Develop structures and routines that foster a systemic shift to increase collaboration and continuous improvement within our organization
    • Recruit and retain a high quality workforce that is driven by a deep desire for equity in our schools and broader system
    • Build, reinforce and hold each other accountable to asset-based mindsets and practices that embrace diversity and advance equity and inclusion through professional learning, leadership development opportunities, and other culture-building experiences.
    • Ensure our team members receive total compensation packages (benefits, market adjustments, etc.) at or above market rate, as compared to other Denver metro districts


    Office of Talent


  • Office of Talent
    1860 Lincoln Street, 9th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203


    Edwin Hudson
    Chief Of Talent 

    Email: HR_Connect@dpsk12.org 
    Call: 720-423-3900 (select option #1)

    Play for Team DPS