The new Denver Public Schools Growth & Performance System (GPS) for: Teachers, School Leaders and Specialized Service Providers is available and resources can be found on the DPS GPS page.
Back Row: Christina Lieberman, Lisa Hogan, Gary Zaharatos, Laura Urban, Amy Friedhaber, Denise Vanderhurst, Silvia Curiel-Torres, Stephanie Price, Marlyn Ruiz, Stacey Sheehan-Block and Lisa Garcia Simms. Front Row: Connie Navarro, Marcela Yañez-Martinez, Bridgett Bird, and Kellianne Rothwell.
The Growth and Performance Team is dedicated to the operations and management of all evaluation systems across Denver Public Schools (DPS).
DPS growth and performance systems are designed to provide clear, inclusive, and equitable expectations to support the growth and development of all team members and achieve our vision of Every Learner Thrives.
Frameworks/systems we support are listed below with employee eligibility information. All relevant resources can be accessed from the green menu bar.
Framework Eligibility Information
Click on the plus sign (+) next to each evaluation framework to view employee eligibility information.
Content Accordion
Classified Reimagined (Education Support Professionals)
DPS Education Support Professionals (ESP)/Classified Employee Groups.
This list is not all inclusive of every ESP/Classified job title within DPS.List of eligible employees
- Accounting Technicians
- Accounts Payable Specialists
- Building, Grounds and Maintenance Workers
- Bus Drivers
- Bus Mechanics
- Crew Chiefs
- Custodians (day and night shift)
- Educator Interns
- Facility Managers
- Food Service Managers
- Food Service Workers
- Library Technicians
- Office Support I, II & III, Hourly
- Paraprofessionals
- Patrol Officers
- Payroll Technician III
- SCC Technicians
- School Operations Manager
- Truck Drivers
- Warehouse Workers
LEAD (School Leaders)
The Leadership Excellence and Development (LEAD) evaluation is used for school leaders.
Eligible employees:
- Principals
- Assistant Principals
- Deans
- Leader of Others
LEAP (Teachers)
The Leading Effective Academic Practice (LEAP) evaluation is used for teachers.
LIFT (Central Office)
The Leadership Investment Framework for Talent (LIFT) evaluation is used for all non-union central office employees.
Eligible employees:
- Non-union (unaffiliated) Central Office team members
- Team members who report to a Central Office manager
- Team members funded by a Central Office budget
SSP GPS (Special Service Providers)
The SSP GPS evaluation is used for Special Service Providers.
Eligible employees:
- Audiologists
- Educational Interpreters
- Nurses
- Occupational Therapists & Physical Therapists
- School Counselors
- Psychologists
- Speech Pathologists
- Social Worker

Office of Talent
1860 Lincoln Street, 9th Floor
Denver, CO 80203Bridgett Bird
Director of Growth & Performance
Marlyn Ruiz, Stacey Sheehan-Block & Lisa Hogan
Site Managers