Action Plan

  • There are a number of requirements for CSC, MLE-PAC, and Title I Family Engagement. This section offers guidance on how to most efficiently satisfy those requirements by combining the key elements of each.

    Organizational stucture

    The diagram below present our recommendation for how to organize the three required committees.

     School Governance

    Your next steps 

    1. Read through the Governance pages here. The CSC Resources page has a number of useful documents, organized by month, that we suggest reviewing.
    2. Decide whether you want to take the Compliance track (bare minimum to comply with the law) or the Committment track (leverage the benefits of these structures to improve your school). We, of course, recommend the Committment track and will be happy to support you in its implementation. The differences between the two are outlined on the Calendar page. If you prefer to use another family involvement structure for your school, such as a Parent-Teacher Leadership Team, you are welcome to do so, as long as it satisfies the minimum compliance requirements outlined on the CSC, MLE-PAC, and Title I Family Engagement pages.
    3. Each month, read through each of the toolkits on the CSC Resources page and use the materials provided to implement those steps. There is also a downloadable Training Toolkit with links to help resources to share with you CSC.

    Outreach to parents

    It is quite common for families of disadvantaged students to be underrepresented on school committees. Fortunately, there are some steps school administrators can take to rectify this:

    Need help?

    Complying with the regulations regarding CSC, MLE-PAC, and Title I Family Engagement can be confusing or overwhelming. DPS's Family and Community Engagement (FACE) office is happy to help you.

    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email