• Personalized Learning

    The Personalized Learning Driver Model linked here, is the framework for educators to ensure equity for all learners through learner-centered and learner-directed approaches. 

    Personalized Learning is an approach to education that focuses on building students' identities as lifelong learners, so that, over time, they develop a full-fledged sense of learner agency and ownership of their academic progress.  Ultimately, the model suggests it leads to improved academic outcomes for all learners. 

    Personalized Learning Driver Model Resources

    Foundational Practices

    The elements highlighted in this section are foundational for successful implementation of Personalized Learning.  We recommend that school communities self-reflect on these elements to determine their strengths and areas for growth.  

    • Relationships - All members contribute positively to the school community and work to build trusting, meaningful and authentic relationships
    • Culture - Learners and teachers consistently demonstrate cultural awareness and sensitivity, respect, and empathy.
    • Mindset - Mindsets around learner agency, the role of the teacher/learner and growth mindset are shared and demonstrated by stakeholders in the learning community.
    • Metacognition - The processes used to plan, monitor, and assess one's understanding and performance. 

    Primary & Secondary Drivers

    • Learner Paths: Learners have a deep understanding of their own assets, needs and interests and use this information to create and monitor personalized goals
      • Learner Profile Data: Learners, teachers and families understand each learner's assets, interests and needs and use this information along with outcomes data to personalize and drive learning. 
      • Goal Setting & Progress Monitoring: Learners and teachers use the learner profile data to co-create goals and monitor progress
    • Evolving Learning and Teacher Roles: Learners demonstrate agency and teachers are facilitators of learning, creating a classroom culture and forming relationships that support all learners.  Learners leverage metacognitive skills and collaboration opportunities to drive their own learning.
    • Strategic Resource Use: Learners adapt their use of space, technology, and time and develop community partnerships to meet their learning goals and improve the learning process.
      • Strategic Space: Learners and teachers design and use space to support learners' needs and preferences. 
      • Strategic Tech: Learners and teachers utilize technology as a resource to expand and deepen the learning experience and outcomes. 
      • Strategic Time: Learners are able to create schedules with the teacher's assistance that meet their educational needs for best learning.
      • Strategic Community: Learners and teachers use community resources and partnerships to support relevancy and personalization.
    • Developing & Demonstrating Competencies: Learners progress at their own pace based on transparent assessment and authentic demonstrations of learning. 
      • Competency Based Progression: Learners are able to progress at their own pace based on demonstrated competencies.
      • Demonstration of Learning: Learners demonstrate learning through a variety of authentic means that include application and creation of knowledge and support increasing levels of rigor. 


  • EBowers









    Elisa Bowers
    Program Manager

    Personalized Learning 

    Curriculum and Instruction Department
    Emily Griffith Campus
    1860 Lincoln St.
    9th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203