Attendance Support
Attendance Trainings
- Attendance Training Series
- School Attendance System Overview
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~19 minutes)
- Daily Attendance Practices
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~35 minutes)
- Attendance Coding
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~18 minutes)
- Attendance Data Reports
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~23 minutes)
- Attendance Team & Agenda
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~26 minutes)
- Foundational Supports for Learning/Safe & Welcoming Schools
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~17 minutes)
- Universal / Tier 1 Prevention Strategies
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~28 minutes)
- Targeted / Tier 2 Intervention Strategies / School Connectedness
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~25 minutes)
- Intensive / Tier 3 Interventions
- Slide Deck
- Recording (~22 minutes)
- School Attendance System Overview
- Attendance On-Demand Module Trainings (interactive, ~5 minutes each):
- Slide deck from July Leadership Week sessions (2024)
Attendance Data
- Attendance Data Guide: explanation of various attendance reports on IC and Portal, how they differ and when they should be used
- Understanding schoolwide Chronic Absenteeism percentages
- Attendance Reports on Principal Portal (considered most accurate data source for attendance and chronic absenteeism)
- School Vitals
- Attendance - Comprehensive Report
- Progress Monitoring: Attendance - Total, Attendance - Chronic Absenteeism
- How to download reports from Principal Portal
- School Vitals
- Attendance Reports on Infinite Campus
- Sample Attendance Trackers
Infinite Campus Support
- IC Coding Guidance
- IC Data Dictionary (IC codes and definitions)
- Attendance Coding Guidance
- IC Support Documentation
- IC Attendance Overview
- IC Reports
- Infinite Campus Attendance Training
- Family information as to how to enter online absence requests
- District School Office Support Resource Handbook 2024-25
Legal Policies
- DPS School Board Policies related to Attendance
- JHB: Student Attendance and Truancy
- JHB-R: Regulation for Student Attendance
Truancy Resources
- Schools only need to send a formal truancy notice to families when the school has decided to file truancy. Formal truancy letters, or letters mentioning truancy, should not be sent before this point. Refer to the webpages for Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions for sample letters to use to communicate attendance concerns with families.
- Truancy Filing Guidance (updated December 2024)
Withdrawal Resources
- Student Withdrawal Best Practices
- "Drop-Out" Withdrawal Procedures for Code 06 (P-6) or 40 (7-12)
- Attendance Training Series
Office of Schools
Emily Griffith Campus 8th Floor
1860 Lincoln St.
Denver, CO 80203Dr. Cori Canty
Improvement Planning & Attendance Manager
Please submit it here.
Office hours occur every Friday. Use the hyperlink to sign up for a time. In-the-moment sign-ups are available. Other days and times may be available.
Attendance Systems
Dr. Cori Canty
Usually 2:30-4 p.m.Tier 3 Interventions and Support
Scott Romero
Usually 1-3 p.m.