Enrollment and Campus Planning
Who we are
At the core of our mission is the commitment to responsible stewardship of District resources by delivering outstanding support to DPS students, families, schools, and central office staff and developing cost-effective and equitable facility solutions.
What we offer
- Data Analysis for District Leaders
- Assess operational support services to reduce costs and improve service in safety & security, transportation, food services, and facilities.
- Establish metrics and benchmarks to help teams measure and increase their effectiveness.
- Strategic Planning of Long-term District Needs
- Collaborate with City of Denver Planning on residential development projects to create long-term forecasts of the fastest-growing urban district in the United States.
- Identify neighborhoods with program shortages and deliver prioritized recommendations to improve access to quality schools.
- Design options to be used in community engagement processes with the public to support enrollment growth.
- Identify trends in teacher turnover to drive strategic retention strategies and accurately plan for new teacher recruitment, onboarding, and development.
- Enrollment Support
- Calculate enrollment projections for future school years to assist with budgeting, staffing, and operations.
- Project student demographics to assist in planning support for language acquisition and students with special learning needs.
- Design and maintenance of DPS maps services to allow families to easily and accurately identify their home school and information on other district schools.
Our teams
Several functional disciplines listed below are incorporated within Enrollment and Campus Planning, additional information on each department can be found in the tabs listed to the left.
- Enrollment Services
- Planning and Real Estate
- Operational Support Services
- Shared Campus Team
- Data Analysis for District Leaders
Enrollment and Campus Planning
1860 Lincoln St., 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203Andrew Huber
Executive DirectorPhaedra Luckett
Site Manager
Executive Assistant, Enrollment and Campus Planning