Learning Space Resource Center
DPS uses a single registration system referred to as Learning Space for all district training and professional development - not only for our teachers but for all educators in the district.
Check out the step-by-step guides at the bottom of the page.
Click on + to expand each category and click on
to view a step-by-step guide for each process.
Training Coordinators can access specific resources on the Learning Space Training Coordinator Resource Center.
Learning Space Resource Center
Employee Resources
Note: If you work for a Charter School, you’ll contact Charter Information Support Services (CISS) at 720-423-3888 for any needed support.
For help with account/password or login issues:
DoTS Help
DoTS Help Self-Service Website
Change Your PasswordFor help with system navigation, locating courses and the DPS Transcript:
HR Connect
Connect_HumanResources@dpsk12.orgFor transcript issues or specific questions about a course (including registration and waitlist questions):
Contact the Instructor for the course listed in Learning Space
For eLearning courses (or if the Instructor is not listed), reach out to the contact listed below for support.HR/Finance Training
NewEmployeeOrientation_HumanResources@dpsk12.orgDoTS Training
(IC Certification Courses)
dotshelp@dpsk12.orgELA Training
ela_training@dpsk12.orgTeacher PD/PDU's
professional_learning@dpsk12.orgFacilities Training
facprofdev@dpsk12.orgFACE Training
volunteer_services@dpsk12.orgEquity Training