• Internal Pathways & Development > Resources for Instructional Leadership Team

Welcome to ILT Implementation Resources

  • The resources support Collaborative Directors, Principals and ILT Members with maximizing the potential of their school-based leaders in service of student outcomes.

  • Resource

    Why it’s helpful

    LEAD Framework

    Defines expectations for excellence in school leadership.

    LEAD Development Guide

    Makes accessible to school leaders a suite of:

    • learning opportunities,
    • job-embedded experiences, and
    • resources that support the development of LEAD competencies.

    Scope and Sequence of Teacher Leader Development

    • Articulates the progression of skills in development of leadership competencies for teacher leaders.
    • Teachers who want to be teacher leaders and teacher leaders can use it to self-assess their skills.
    • Principals can use it to identify growth areas and next steps for aspiring teacher leaders and teacher leaders.

    ILT Visual (“Text Light”)

    This graphic depicts the work of the ILT in DPS and articulates how leadership teams support coaching and leadership in service of best first instruction.

    ILT Visual (“Text Heavy”)

    This detailed version of the ILT visual contains additional explanation of the components of the work of the ILT.

    Resource Folder

    Together, this screencast and accompanying folder provides resources and considerations for ILTs as they strategically plan for the 2018-19 school year.

    ILT Self-Reflection 2.0 - (organized by ILT visual)

    This version of the ILT Self-Reflection tool contains the same language as the original version, but it is organized to reflect the four levers represented by the ILT visual.