Discipline Procedures for Significant Events

  • The Discipline Matrix will continue to be your go to guide on discipline and referalls. 
    For general discipline information, visit our site here.
    Please see policies JK and JK-R.

    District Discipline Managers:
    Barbara Downing Ph.D: District Managed Secondary Schools
    Benjamin Marcial: District Managed Elementary Schools
    Jeb Holt: Charter Schools

  • Firearm on campus/at DPS sanctioned event

    - Knowing 
    - possession* 
    - of a firearm**
    * Possession means actual or physical control as opposed to fleeting contact. Incident must occur on school grounds, in a school vehicle, or at a school sanctioned event.  
    ** Includes handguns; rifles; shotguns. This does not apply to objects such as toy guns, facsimiles, cap guns, bee-bee guns, and pellet guns.

    - Mandatory referral to law enforcement.
    - Mandatory referral to DPS Department of Safety
    - Discipline Building Leader contacts Discipline Program Manager regarding Request for Expulsion Procedure.
    - Contact Student Safety Coordinator to facilitate Level II Threat Appraisal.

  • Dangerous weapon on campus/at DPS sanctioned event

    - Knowing 
    - possession* 
    - of an object defined as a dangerous weapon: 
    - any pellet or BB gun, or other device, whether operational or not, designed to propel projectiles by spring action or compressed air; 
    - a fixed blade knife with a blade that exceeds three inches in length; 
    - a spring-loaded knife or a pocket knife with a blade longer than three and one half inches;
    -any object, device, instrument, material, or substance used or intended to be used to inflict death or serious bodily injury.  
    *Possession is defined as the actual or physical control as opposed to fleeting contact.  Incident must occur on school grounds, in school vehicles, or at school activities or sanctioned events without the authorization of the school or the school district

    - If a dangerous weapon is on school grounds, in the school's possession, or there is a threat of serious bodily injury with a dangerous weapon that is real and immediate, Mandatory Referral to Department of Safety and Law Enforcement is required.
    - Discipline Building Leaders contact Discipline Program Manager regarding applicable student discipline procedure.
    - Building Level Threat Appraisal Team contact Student Safety Coordinator to facilitate Level II Threat Appraisal - if applicable.

  • First Degree Assault

    - most egregious type of assault.  
    - Intentionally 
    - using a deadly weapon to cause serious bodily injury to another person
    - a student causes serious bodily injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon
    - with an intent to disfigure another person seriously and permanently, the person causes such an injury
    - a student shows extreme indifference to the value of human life, and knowingly creates a grave risk of death to another person.

    - Mandatory referral to Department of Safety and Law Enforcement
    - Discipline Building Leaders contact Discipline Program Manager regarding applicable student discipline procedure.
    - Building Level Threat Appraisal Team contact Student Safety Coordinator to facilitate Level II Threat Appraisal - if applicable.

  • Second Degree Assault

    A serious assault that is less serious than first degree assault, but more serious than a typical fight with typical injuries (Third Degree Assault)
    - intentionally using a deadly weapon to cause bodily injury
    - recklessly using a deadly weapon to cause serious bodily injury
    - with intent to cause bodily injury, causing serious bodily injury
    - with intent to cause bodily injury, choking another person, causing bodily injury.

    - Mandatory referral to Department of Safety who will determine if law enforcement needs to be contacted.
    - Discipline Building Leaders contact Discipline Program Manager regarding applicable student discipline procedure.
    - Building Level Threat Appraisal Team contact Student Safety Coordinator to facilitate Level II Threat Appraisal - if applicable.

  • Threat of targeted harm to person(s) or location

    Behavior on or off school property that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of another person or group of people, including serious threats of imminent physical violence or act of physical harm against a specific person or persons, location, or entity.

    - If the threat includes a firearm or dangerous weapon on school grounds, or there is a real and immediate threat to cause serious bodily injury or death, mandatory referral to Department of Safety and law enforcement.
    - Discipline Building Leaders contact Discipline Program Manager regarding applicable student discipline procedure.
    - Building Level Threat Appraisal Team contact Student Safety Coordinator to facilitate Level II Threat Appraisal - if applicable.

  • Sexual Assault

    - A student inflicts sexual intrusion or sexual penetration: 
    - through the use of force;
    - without consent; or  
    - when complainant is incapable of providing consent
    - when complaintant is 14 years old or younger and respondent is more than 4 years older.

    - Mandatory referral to law enforcement and Department of Safety.
    - Activate the Title IX Process.
    - Contact Discipline Program Manager for consultation regarding possible student discipline consequence.
    - Complete Full TA for on-campus event/PIGF for off-campus event.
    - Implement ISMP.  Contact District Safety Coordinators for ISMP Process. 

  • Unlawful sexual behavior or unlawful sexual contact

    There are many forms of unlawful sexual behavior 
    Unlawful sexual contact
    - knowingly 
    - making sexual contact 
    - w/ complainant’s intimate parts* 
    - for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse 
    - if respondent knows complainant does not consent**
    * Intimate parts are the external genitalia or perineum or the anus or the buttocks or the pubes or breast of any person
    **Consent is cooperation in act or attitude, an exercise of free will and with knowledge of the nature of the act

    - Mandatory referral to law enforcement and Department of Safety
    - Activate the Title IX Process.
    - Contact Discipline Program Manager for consultation regarding possible student discipline consequence
    - Implement ISMP.  Contact District Safety Coordinators. Required following District Attorney notification of charges of unlawful sexual contact or another form of unlawful sexual behavior not otherwise listed on the Matrix

  • Possession of cannabis or other drugs on campus/at DPS sanctioned event

    - You do not need to contact law enforcement.
    - Follow the Student Substance Intoxication process detailed here.
    - The Department of Safety can now take possession and dispose of marijuana, cannabis products and paraphernalia. Contact dispatch at 720-423-3911 for assistance.