What the Ombuds Office Can and Cannot Do...

  • CAN

    • Listen to and clarify concerns to understand them thoroughly.
    • Help DPS employees identify and explore options for solutions.
    • Provide information to help resolve concerns by researching Board of Education policies and DPS policies/regulations.
    • Coach and empower individuals on how to prepare for conversations that lead to collaborative resolutions.
    • Navigate individuals to the correct resources and people to address concerns.
    • Foster communication.
    • Identify trends to the Superintendent and the Board of Education for review for continuous improvement.


    • Receive formal complaints or claims against the district.
    • Conduct investigations of potential wrongdoing.
    • Impose corrective or disciplinary action.
    • Make, set or change Board of Education policies or DPS policies/regulations.
    • Advocate on any particular position.
    • Participate in litigation.
    • Provide legal advice or mental health counseling.
    • Intervene when parties are involved in legal or administrative proceedings.
    • Substitute or replace formal channels and procedures.


    Office of the Ombuds
    1860 Lincoln St., Suite 604
    Denver, CO 80203
    Phone: 720-423-4776
    Email: ombuds@dpsk12.net

    Site Manager
    Office Hours
    Appointments are available before and after office hours upon request.
    To make an appointment with the Ombuds, call or email our office or complete the optional
    Please call in advance to make sure we are available before visiting our office.