Terms of Agreement
DPS Ombuds Office Terms of Agreement (also known as "Charter") defines the role and responsibilities of the Ombuds and the Ombuds Office at DPS.
Because this is a resource made available on a voluntary basis to all District employees in accordance with the terms, conditions, and principles outlined below, use of the Office will be considered to be an agreement to abide by the terms of the Charter, including not calling the Ombuds to testify or produce documents with respect to confidential communications in any formal, legal, or administrative proceedings. Click here to learn more!
Office of the Ombuds
1860 Lincolns St., Suite 604Denver, CO 80203Phone: 720-423-4776Email: ombuds@dpsk12.netSite ManagerOffice HoursMonday-Friday8am-4:30pmAppointments are available before and after office hours upon request.To make an appointment with the Ombuds, call or email our office or complete the optionalPlease call in advance to make sure we are available before visiting our office.