DPS Your Voice/Tu Voz Surveys

  • Student looking at computer screen

    The Your Voice/Tu Voz Family Survey will be administered to all families in the district Oct. 7-Nov. 1.

    The Denver Public School Board is committed to improving student and school outcomes across the district so that Every Learner Thrives.

    To help, DPS conducts "Your Voice / Tu Voz" surveys during the academic school year to understand the perceptions of students, parents, and guardians. Students are surveyed to understand how 3rd- through 12th-graders perceive their academic experience and their social-emotional health. Families are surveyed to learn the extent to which parents and guardians feel welcomed, involved and informed.

    These surveys help us understand what DPS is doing well, notify us of areas where DPS can improve, and inform decisions to allow DPS to better serve our community.

    We want to hear from all students and their parents/guardians. The more people who share their voice, the more accurate our data is. With more accurate data, we can better measure our progress as outlined in the Strategic Roadmap that holds us all accountable for our achievements and shortcomings.