Restorative Practices

  • Students in circle

    A restorative climate and culture is the foundation upon which we can build healthy relationships, engage in community building, and then offer alternative community practices when harm occurs. Restorative practices include alternatives to punitive discipline policies, which have disproportionately affected certain groups of students, including students of color and Special Education students. Restorative practices offer us an alternative to exclusionary methods, such as classroom removal, suspension, and expulsion, which are not only unsuccessful at positively changing student behavior or learning achievement, but instead demonstrate negative effects on a student’s personal and academic achievement. 

    Restorative practices are not a discipline system and should not be used as such. However, restorative practices do offer a way to hold communities accountable and to address harm. We hope that you will learn more about restorative practices, encourage all educators in the building to engage, and help our students have the most supportive environment possible.

    Access the DPS Restorative Practices Implementation Guide here.

    Access Restorative Practice trainings, resources and staff here.

    Learn about the history of Restorative Practices at DPS here.


    Other Helpful resorces for school teams

    Restorative Practices - Discipline Matrix: Restorative Process

    Pre-Conferencing Guideline and Script

    Reintegration Conferences

    Trauma-Informed & Restorative Practice Articles and - Resources