Private Schools and Institutions

  • A DPS student and teacher read together.

  • Title I, Part A

    Title I, Part A program provides supplemental educational services so that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Generally, to qualify for assistance under Title I, a student must reside within the attendance area of a participating public school located in a low-income area and be failing, or at risk of failing, to meet student academic achievement standards.

    Under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to provide services for eligible public school students, as well as eligible private school students. Specifically, section 1118 of Title I, Part A, requires a participating LEA to provide eligible children attending private elementary and secondary schools, their teachers, and their families, with Title I services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children, their teachers, and their families.

    Title I services for private school students must be developed in consultation with officials of the private schools.

    The amount of Title I funds allocated to each participating public school attendance area is determined mainly on the basis of the total number of low-income students—both public and private—residing in each area. Expenditures for private school students in each area generally are determined based on the proportion of students from low-income families residing in that area who attend private school.

    The Title I services provided by the LEA for private school participants are designed to meet their educational needs and supplement the educational services provided by the private school. These services may be provided by the LEA, or by a contractor who is independent of the private school and any religious organization. Title I services or benefits must be secular, neutral, and non-ideological.

  • Title II, Part A and Title III

    Title II, Part A

    Title II, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 is intended to increase student academic achievement consistent with challenging State academic standards, improve the quality and effectiveness of educators, increase the number of educators who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools, and provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective educators.

    Title III 

    Title III is a supplemental grant under the ESEA that is designed to improve and enhance the education of English learners (ELs) in becoming proficient in English, as well as meeting the Colorado Academic Content standards. The Title III Immigrant Set-Aside grant resides within this program and provides opportunities for LEAs to enhance the instructional opportunities for immigrant students and their families.

    Equitable Services in Non-Public Schools

    Under the Uniform Provisions, LEA are required to provide services to eligible nonpublic school students, teachers and other personnel. These services and other benefits must be comparable to those provided to public school students and teachers participating in the program, and they must be provided in a timely manner.

    To ensure equitable participation, the LEA must: 1) identify the needs of nonpublic school students and teachers; 2) spend an equal amount of funds per student to provide services; 3) provide nonpublic school students and teachers with an opportunity to participate in activities equivalent to the opportunity provided public school students and teachers; and 4) offer services that are secular, neutral and non-ideological.

  • Title IV

    Purpose Title IV, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 is intended to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of States, local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and local communities to provide all students with access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning, and improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

    Program Requirements and Eligibility Activities supported with Title IV, Part A funds must be planned through consultation with parents, teachers, principals, other school leaders, special service providers, students, community-based organizations, local government representatives, Indian tribes or tribal organizations that may be located in the region served by the LEA, and charter school teachers and principals; teachers, principals and other relevant stakeholders. The LEA must also engage in continued consultation with these stakeholders to improve supported activities. Descriptions of funded activities in the Consolidated Application must address program objectives and intended outcomes.

    Activities to support well-rounded educational opportunities for students may include, but are not limited to:

    •  STEM programs
    •  Music and art programs
    •  Foreign language offerings
    •  The opportunity to earn credits from institutions of higher learning
    •  Reimbursing low-income students to cover the costs of accelerated learning examination fees
    •  Environmental education
    •  Programs and activities that promote volunteerism and community involvement

    Activities to support safe and healthy students may include, but are not limited to:

    •  School-based mental health services
    •  Drug and violence prevention activities that are evidence-based
    •  Integrating health and safety practices into school or athletic programs
    •  Nutritional education and physical education activities
    •  Bullying and harassment prevention
    •  Prevention of teen and dating violence, stalking, domestic abuse, and sexual violence and harassment
    •  Establishing or improving school dropout and reentry programs • Reducing the use of exclusionary discipline practices

    Activities to improve the use of educational technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital iteracy of all students may include, but are not limited to:

    •  Building technological capacity and infrastructure
    •  Providing professional development on the use of
    •  Developing or using effective or innovative technology to enable teachers to increase student strategies for the delivery of specialized or achievement in STEM areas rigorous academic courses through the use of
    •  Providing students in rural, remote, and technology underserved areas with the resources to take
    •  Carrying out blended learning activities (must advantage of high-quality digital learning include ongoing professional development for experiences teachers)
    •  Providing educators, school leaders, and administrators with the professional learning tools, devices, content and resources to:
    •  Personalize learning o Discover, adapt, and share relevant high-quality educational resources o Use technology effectively in the classroom
    •  Implement and support school and districtwide approaches for using technology to inform instruction, support teacher collaboration, and personalize learning