Recursos de lenguaje dual | Dual Language Resources

  • An elementary student holding a big book kneels in front of Spanish big books

    In Denver Public Schools, dual language is a long-term program offering instruction in two languages with the goal of developing bilingualism, biliteracy and cultural appreciation. Currently, all 12 district-run dual language programs in DPS are taught in Spanish and English. In DPS, every district-run dual language program includes at the elementary level, at least 50% of instruction in Spanish, through the fifth grade, and at the secondary level, Spanish Language Arts and one content area taught in Spanish. 

    There are four dual language/immersion charter schools currently. Two of the programs are taught in Spanish and English. One of the programs offers Mandarin in addition to Spanish. One program offers French. 

    Students who participate in dual language programs will have access to more opportunities after graduation, because they will be bilingual and biliterate. Dual language instruction may be a pathway to the Seal of Biliteracy. 

    All students benefit from dual language programs. Research demonstrates that:

    • Multilingual learners in dual language programs perform better than MLLs in English only programs or early exit/late exit programs.
    • Historically underserved students, including students of color, students with disabilities, and less economically privileged students perform as well as or better than their peers who are in non-dual language settings.

    The MLE department has resources to assist schools in implementing dual language programs. Interested schools should complete this dual language interest form.

  • Assessment in Dual Language Schools

    There are many aspects of dual language programming and instruction that require a shift in mindset from a monolingual perspective to an asset-based bilingual perspective. Assessment looks different in dual language programs. This document can support principals as they advocate for their programs.

    Assessment in Dual Language Schools

  • Glossary of Dual Language Terms


  • PPF Guidance for Dual Language Schools

    During registration, ensure parents understand dual language programming and the differences between Option 1 and Option 2 on the Parent Permission Form (PPF). Please use the talking points on this document if parents need further clarification. 

    PPF Guidance for Dual Language Schools

  • Dual Language Program Brochures for Parents


    AmharicArabicFrench, MandarinNepaliRussianSomaliVietnamese