• ISA Teams

    ISA Team Handbook

    ISA Team Nomination Instructions

    Life Cycle of a MLL

    MLL List Report

    Parent Notification Letter Templates for Redesignated students (available in the district’s 15 most common languages)

  • Teacher Designations

    All new/open teacher positions are required to have an MLE/ELA Designation assigned through Infor HR. As a reminder, assigning a MLE/ELA designation to a teacher’s position will need to be done through Infor HR.

    Please complete MLE/ELA Designation assignments as you:

    • Request a position update
    • Create a new position
    • Post a job opening (Teacher Leader, Teacher, or Long-Term Sub)

    Visit Hiring Resources (for Managers) for helpful user guides or contact your HR Partner for more information.

    It is necessary that principals confirm designations for all teachers serving Multilingual Learners in their buildings. Non-designated teachers may not receive information regarding MLE/ELA training.

    Teachers with questions about their MLE/ELA designation or qualification status should contact their principal or HR Connect.

  • ELA-S/E Classroom Guidance

    Balancing ELA-S and ELA-E classrooms can be difficult. Watch this short screencast for updated guidance on creating ELA-S and ELA-E classrooms, how to ensure all PPF1 students receive Spanish instruction, and what to do when an ELA-S/E classroom cannot be avoided. This screencast is geared towards school leaders in TNLI program schools.

    ELA-S/E Classroom Guidance

  • Parent Advisory Committees (PACs)

    Each DPS school is required to maintain a MLE PAC comprised of families of students receiving MLE/ELA program services to: 

    • Increase communication between MLE parents, the school and DPS
    • Review implementation of the MLE program with parents
    • Listen to parent concerns and address issues
    • Generate topics of interest for MLE DAC meetings
    • Maintain, post and translate agendas, invitations and sign–in sheets
    • Provide essential information to parents in languages and modes they understand

    We have developed toolkits to support MLE PACs. 

    Please contact your MLE Instructional Specialist for more information.

  • Translation Services

    The Office of Multicultural Outreach translates school essential documents into the top languages spoken in DPS. The Multilingual Document Repository has copies of essential documents which have already been translated. To request translation services, visit the Translation Request website.

  • Additional Resources

    Understanding Language: Language, Literacy, and Learning in the Content Areas is Stanford University’s website that aims to heighten educator awareness of the critical role that language plays in the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Next Generation Science Standards.

    The appropriate referral, identification, and placement of learners who are Culturally and/or Linguistically Diverse is necessary to ensure students' civil rights as well as a free and appropriate public education aligned with the individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Resources, opportunities for trainings and workshops as well as links to other sources of information on this topic are available on the Colorado Department of Education's resources for Learners who are Culturally and/or Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Suspected of Having Educational Disabilities

    U.S. Department of Education's English Learner Toolkit