ISA Team Resources
The ISA Team (Instructional Services Advisory Team) is a school-based group that makes decisions to support the needs of each of the school’s Multilingual Learners at key points throughout their life cycle in the MLE program -- from identification as an Multilingual Learner, to evaluation to ensure that they are progressing toward proficiency in English, to the decision to exit a student from MLE services because they are able to participate meaningfully and equally in class.
Useful Resources
ISA Team Newsletters
Please visit the ISA Newsletter Archive to find newsletters from this school year.
BOE, Rubrics, and Cut Scores
Parent Meeting Guidance
Multilingual Learner Lists
You must be nominated by your principal as an ISA Team member in order to view this report.
Multilingual Education
Emily Griffith Campus
1860 Lincoln St., 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203Email:
MLE Hotline: 720-423-2040
Fax: 720-423-1577Nubia Ponce
Elementary OSS/ISA Coordinator & Site Manager
Nubia_PonceOrozco@dpsk12.netAna Gonzales
Secondary OSS/ISA Coordinator
Ana_Gonzales@dpsk12.netBernadette Navarette
Charter OSS/ISA Specialist