World Languages

  •  Four high school students standing in a hallway

    The ability to communicate with respect and cultural understanding in more than one language is an essential element of global competence. This competence is developed and demonstrated by investigating the world, recognizing and weighing perspectives, acquiring and applying disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge, communicating ideas, and taking action. Global competence is fundamental to the experience of learning languages whether in classrooms, through virtual connections, or via everyday experiences. Language learning contributes an important means to communicate and interact in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. This interaction develops the disposition to explore the perspectives behind the products and practices of a culture and to value such intercultural experiences.

    Resources including Scope and Sequences can be found in the World Languages Curriculum Schoology Group. Please contact Andrea Caulfield for more information and access instructions. 

  • About World Languages

    Research indicates that the very process of acquiring another language may give learners a cognitive boost that enables them to perform at higher levels in some other subjects. Additional studies show that over time second language learners have improved test scores; are able to think divergently; and achieve in their first language.

    To acquire another language and to study culture is to gain an especially rich preparation for the future. It is difficult to imagine a job, a profession, a career, or a leisure activity which will not be enhanced greatly by the ability to communicate efficiently and sensitively with others. Possessing the linguistic and cultural insights that come with the study of one or more world languages will be a requisite for life as an informed, productive, and globally literate citizen in the worldwide community.

  • Languages Offered in DPS Schools

    K-5: Spanish

    6-8: Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Spanish Language Arts

    9-12: Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Lakota, Spanish, Spanish Language Arts