Secondary Bilingual Programs

  • Middle school student looks at camera while their teacher lectures in the background.

    In DPS, bilingual programs provide Spanish instruction in one or more content areas, including Spanish literacy. At the Secondary level, the bilingual instruction portion of the day includes Spanish instruction in one to two content areas that promote grade-appropriate cognitive development in a manner comparable to their English-speaking peers. In Secondary TNLI Programs, schools have the flexibility of selecting two or more content areas that will be taught in Spanish. At ACCESS levels 1-2.9, PPF1 students are required to take at least two courses in Spanish, while at ACCESS levels 3.0 and higher, students are required take at least one course in Spanish. Through this model, students can access grade-level content in math, science, or social studies while they are learning English. They may also be able to deepen and develop their understanding of Spanish through a Spanish Language Arts course. Spanish Language Arts courses allow students to build upon and maintain the Spanish literacy skills that they developed in elementary TNLI programs.

    Useful Resources 

    Language Allocation Guidelines for 6-12

    Secondary TNLI Implementation Guidance