Enrollment Projections 2025-26
Please note: To access the documents linked below, you will need to login to your DPS Google account (firstname_lastname@dpsk12.net)
- Final 2025-26 Enrollment Projections available January 10, 2025.
- Final Enrollment Projections include:
- Overall enrollment projections by school and grade
- School-grade projections for Multilingual learners (MLLs) with a Spanish background and MLLs with another language background
- Gifted & Talented / Talent Pool counts
- Free & Reduced Lunch and High Poverty percentages
- ECE seat counts
- Mild / Moderate student and center classroom counts
- Final Enrollment Projections include:
- Preliminary Projections for 2025-26 available December 3, 2024.
- Includes overall enrollment projections by school and grade, school-grade projections for multilingual learners (MLLs) with a Spanish background and MLLs with another language background, GT/Talent Pool, Mild/Moderate and Center based programs.
- Final ECE, Center and FRL counts will be available in January.
- 2025-26 projections methodologies overview: Read about the methodology behind these preliminary numbers.
- Final 2024-25 Enrollment Projections are available.
Questions? Contact: heather_covey@dpsk12.net or planning@dpsk12.org.
Strategic Regional Analysis
View the Spring 2024 Strategic Regional Analysis and Summary Presentation here.
This Strategic Regional Analysis (SRA) is an annual report that shows change in student enrollment at both district and regional planning levels. It includes current and historical trends to forecast the number of DPS students that will live in each planning region in Denver over the next five years.
This year’s SRA also includes the following feature sections: school enrollment compared to capacity, enrollment forecast for New Arrivals (immigration from out of country), and SchoolChoice analysis to understand family decisions to enroll their students in a school outside of their boundary or enrollment zone.
- Final 2025-26 Enrollment Projections available January 10, 2025.
Planning, Analysis and Real Estate
Emily Griffith Campus
1860 Lincoln Street, 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203Heather Covey
Director - Planning, Analysis and Real Estate
heather_covey@dpsk12.netFor general questions: