Community Progress Monitoring (CPM)

  • Students and parent at Valdez

    What is Community Progress Monitoring?

    Community Progress Monitoring (CPM) is a series of ongoing data-sharing meetings that happen between schools, families and community partners. CPM focuses on continuously improving student outcomes by creating strong partnerships between schools and families.

    What’s the purpose of CPM?

    CPM is meant to keep school staff, families and community members updated on the performance of their school. Educated, engaged and empowered school communities are critical in the success of a school. CPM should be proactive—by identifying what schools already do well and what needs to be improved, schools and families can work together to continue what’s working and make progress in challenge areas.

    DPS schools must host three CPM meetings throughout the school year.

    1. Kick Off—August-November— The initial CPM meeting is all about understanding how the school is doing on key performance areas and setting goals for improvement.
    2. Check In—December-March—The second meeting is for analyzing progress made toward goals set in the first meeting and seeing if new goals should be made.
    3. Wrap Up—April-June—The final meeting looks at the school’s progress throughout the year, and engages families in ways to keep reaching toward goals.

    How can my school use School Performance Framework (SPF) results as part of CPM?

    Schools are required to share their SPF results with families between late October and early November. SPF results can provide a valuable baseline for measuring performance. Templates and tools for presenting your SPF to the community are available here.

    Can I integrate CPM with other community engagement requirements like Title I?

    In short, yes. The main purpose of CPM is for school leaders to share performance data and goals with families, so they are aware of the school’s performance and can partner in supporting students and the school overall. If you already engage families in that way on a regular basis throughout the year, it counts as CPM!

    All Title I schools are required to have a Title I parent meeting. Title I schools can combine their SPF meeting, Title I mandatory parent meeting and initial CPM meeting if desired. Please consider whether the audience is able to dive into each of the subjects adequately in just one meeting. For more information and resources about Title I requirements go to the Title I Family Engagement page.

    For more information or support

    Please let us know when you plan to host a CPM meeting.

    For SPF meetings, visit SPF Infohub for templates, talking points and more.

    Email if you have questions or for more information.