Newcomer Resources

  • Three students stand in front of their school holding flags from other countries

    Newcomers are Multilingual Learners who are new to the country and have been enrolled in a U.S. school for less than two semesters, and are identified as having limited or interrupted education, as well as minimal literacy skills in both their native language and English. Newcomer Centers serve students generally for one or two semesters to prepare them for participation in an MLE Program (ELA-E or ELA-S). Newcomer Centers are located at Place Bridge Academy, Montclair Elementary, Newlon Elementary, Merrill Middle School, Montbello Middle School, Montbello High School, Abraham Lincoln High School and South High School. 

    Additional resources for DPS teachers can be found in the Resources and Supports for Newcomers Schoology Course

    Resources for Vista Get Ready! curriculum can be found in the Vista Get Ready! Secondary ELD Curriculum Schoology Course.

    Afghan Family Resources and Supports

    Newcomer Handbook Information for Families