MLE Service System
MLE Program Review
The MLE Program Review evaluates/assesses the inputs, including systems and structures in place to lead and implement high-quality MLE programming.
Domains of the MLE Program Review:
- Multilingual learners receive appropriate MLE program services
- MLE program is designed to ensure multilingual learners are acquiring both language and content
- Families of multilingual learners are engaged and informed in a language they understand
- Dual Language programming is implemented with fidelity (as applicable)
Content Accordion
MLE Service System Timeline
The MLE Program Review evaluates all of the inputs, or systems and structures a leader has in place to lead and implement MLE programming for their school.
- Leaders also receive status of their EOY MLE Service Plan, a summary of how they’ve remedied all areas of opportunity during the 22/23sy. These are the data points to use for your school leaders EOY LEAD MLE Program Implementation ratings.
The school will receive the MLE Program Effectiveness rating, published on the MLE Tab of UIP One,when MLL student outcomes data is available. These data points are used to evaluate the effectiveness of a school’s MLE program implementation.
MLE Program Review + MLE Program Effectiveness = MLE Service Planning and LEAD BOY MLE Goal setting.
- Both the MLE Program Review and MLE Program Effectiveness are data points that help us to understand how a leader did with creating systems that support an increase in student outcomes and highlights the areas of growth.
These two ratings will then be used to inform a school’s MLE Service Plan, LEAD MLE Goal & alignment to Unified Improvement Planning (UIP) for the 2023-2024 school year.
MLE Program Review Components
- Program Review data for in-program MLLs accurately evaluates the implementation of the MLE program.
- Disaggregated MLL data points are inclusive of assessments taken by high school students (PSAT, SAT)
- MLE Program Review of inputs is stored in DPS portals while Output data is located in each school’s UIP-One Hub
Artifact Collection:
- MLE Instructional Specialists will work with schools to collect the evidence throughout the year of high-quality MLE Programming in the areas of language instruction, bilingual programming, and progress monitoring
- MLE Artifact Collection: ECE-TNLI
- MLE Artifact Collection: Two-Way Dual Language or Immersion
- MLE Artifact Collection: TNLI
- MLE Artifact Collection: ELA-E/ESL Resource
- MLE Artifact Collection: Non-Program
Differentiated Rubrics:
- Specialized rubrics for schools/programs that serve specific populations, such as Pathways schools and Early Education Centers
Progress Monitoring:
- MLE Instructional Specialists will provide consistent progress monitoring for all schools to ensure they are on-track to meeting Program Review expectations
MLE Program Effectiveness
MLL student outcomes data verifies effectiveness of the school’s MLE program implementation. The MLE Program Effectiveness rating is published on the MLE Tab of UIP One when MLL student outcome data are available.
MLE Service Plan
MLE Program Review + MLE Program Effectiveness = MLE Service Plan
Both the MLE Program Review and MLE Program Effectiveness data points provide insight into how schools’ systems are increasing MLL student outcomes, and highlights areas of needed improvement. These two ratings are used to inform schools’ MLE Service Plan, LEAD MLE Goal & alignment to Unified Improvement Planning (UIP) for the 2023-2024 school year.
The MLE Service Plan outlines strategic work that the MLE Instructional Specialists will engage in to build capacity of ILT and teachers. It includes regular check-ins aligned to opportunities for improvement highlighted in the MLE Program Review.
LEAD MLE Program Implementation Rating
End-of-Year LEAD Ratings are influenced by the MLE Program Review and implementation of the MLE Service Plan. These data points are used to determine a school leader’s EOY LEAD MLE Program Implementation Rating. Collaborative Directors are the evaluators of Principals, and MLE Instructional Specialists regularly share information regarding work that is being done in collaboration on MLE Program implementation.
Report to Stakeholders
Each September, MLE Program Review results and trends are shared with the Department of Justice and external stakeholders.

Multilingual Education
Emily Griffith Campus
1860 Lincoln St., 10th Floor
Denver, CO 80203Email:
MLE Hotline: 720-423-2040
Fax: 720-423-1577Allison Ratchford
Director of Program Implementation and Effectiveness
Allison_Ratchford@dpsk12.orgSabrina Berntsen
Site Manager