LEAP Resource Center
Various resources are available to teachers to help them grow and improve their teaching practice. Information is also available for school leaders, observers, and evaluators to ensure they provide guidance and support to teachers regarding their personal growth and school-wide goals.
Building Leaders and LEAP Observers who want additional experience observing and scoring may use these classroom videos to sharpen their skills in aligning observation evidence to the LEAP Framework for Effective Teaching to determine scores.
See the resources videos below:
- Indicator Explanation Videos are 10-minute videos that explain the indicators
- Indicator Classroom Videos are scenarios that show effective practices aligned to the indicators
Content Accordion
Normed Videos for Calibration
LE.1 - LE.4 - Explanation Videos
Indicator Explanations - 10 Minute Videos
LE.1 - Culture and Equity
LE.2 - Motivation and Respect
LE.3 - High, Clear Expectations
LE.4 - Resources and Physical Environment
I.1 - I.4 - Explanation Videos
Indicator Explanations - 10 Minute Videos
I.1 - Content-Language Objective
I.2 - Rigorous Tasks
I.3 - Methods and Pacing
I.4 - Academic Language
I.5 - I.8 - Explanation Videos
Indicator Explanations - 10 Minute Videos
I.5 - Checks for Understanding
I.6 - Differentiation
I.7 - Academically-focused Descriptive Feedback
I.8 - Communication and Collaboration
Classroom Videos - LE.1 - LE.4
LE.1 - Culture and Equity
LE.2 - Motivation and Respect
LE.3 - High, Clear Expectations
LE.4 - Resources and Physical Environment
Classroom Videos - Instruction I.1 - I.4
Indicator Explanations - 10 Minute Videos
Indicator I.1 - Content-Language Objective
Indicator I.2 - Rigorous Tasks
I.3 - Methods & Pacing
I.4 - Academic Language
Classroom Videos - Instruction I.5 - I.8
I.5 - Checks for Understanding
I.6 - Differentiation
I.7 - Academically-focused Descriptive Feedback
I.8 - Communication and Collaboration
Office of Talent
1860 Lincoln Street, 9th Floor
Denver, CO 80203Your input is important to us
720-423-2600 or LEAP@dpsk12.orgLisa Garcia Simms, Senior Manager of Frameworks (LEAP and SSP GPS)
Stacey Sheehan-Block, Site Manager
LEAP Handbook 2024-2025 Please review and bookmark for important updates and resources!
LEAP Framework for Effective Teaching (FET)