Leading Effective Academic Practice
  • 2023-2024 End of Year
    EOY Resources

    Leader resources click here
    Teacher resources click here

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  • LEAP Message about End of Year Rating Shifts

    Please click HERE for information about this year's End of Year rating shifts. 

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  • SLOs

    EOY expectations for the SLO process can be found here, and on slide 4 of this deck.


    SLO Submission and Approval:

    • Requirement: Colorado law states that teachers should be provided a draft of their evaluation at least two weeks before the end of the school year. SLOs must be finalized for this to occur.
    • Submission and Approval Deadline Guidance: Schools determine the end-of-year submission and approval timeline. SLOs should be submitted 1 week before the end-of-year LEAP conversation.


    Please be sure to share the EOY Determining Expectation Levels deck with your SLO Leads.

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  • Evaluator Bias Training Part 2 is available in Learning Space

    Click on LINK HERE 

    The recommended deadline for this training is March 15th. Completion data will be provided to collaborative directors prior to Spring Break. 

    Per the new statute created by  SB 70 starting on August 1,  2024, school and district leaders who need to renew their principal or administration license require a CDE endorsed certificate after completing: (1) The LEAP Changes and Requirements Module and (2) DPS’ two Bias Trainings.

    Also note, per DCTA 10-3-2-3 ll Evaluators must complete bias and culturally responsive training and be certified under the District’s certification system to conduct observations before End-of-Year ratings.

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  • FYI: New Educator Evaluation Tech Tool coming in 2024-25 school year.

    This new tech tool will combine the features that are currently met by the LAT, SchoolMint and the SLO Tool and will include the LEAP, LEAD and SSP GPS Frameworks. More information coming soon for the anticipated training window. 

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    Please CLICK HERE for a comprehensive list of required trainings for Evaluators and Teachers. We are progress monitoring for completion and will be reaching out to school leaders with any completion data concerns after the new year. 

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  • Changes to LEAP for 2023-24 School Year

    What's New?:

    • Composition of final effectiveness ratings from 50/50 to 70/30
    • Adjustments in determination of overall ratings
    • Equity-driven revisions to Professionalism Language
    • Consistency Changes to the Framework for Effective Teaching
    • Enhancements to the LEAP Observer Certification

    Learn more about the changes to LEAP, with the resources provided below:

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  • Your input is important to us

    Share your feedback


    Lisa Hogan
    Site Manager  

    Lisa Garcia Simms
    Senior Manager of Frameworks (LEAP and SSP GPS)