Support for Teachers

  • Resources to Grow Your Teaching Practice

    Below are some helpful resources that can be used to support your growth throughout the year.

    LEAP Handbook

    • Learn about the Multiple Measures
    • Find strategies for analyzing your SPS results
    • Find Student Growth supports

    LEAP Framework - Spanish 

     LEAP Fairness Guide The LEAP Fairness Guide was developed in consultation with the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) to ensure that LEAP is administered fairly and consistently for all teachers. 

    Playbook for Early Career Teacher Success The Playbook offers clear guidance on the Gateway Skills that early career teachers should focus on first, and a clear outline of DPS’ Coaching Steps and Coaching Moves to help teachers make quick, measurable improvement toward our expectations for effective teaching and student learning.


    Peer Observation

    Peer Observers provide expertise around LEAP, CRE, and content-specific best practices aligned to the Framework, including targeted coaching and calibration in service of equitable outcomes for all students, teachers, and leaders across DPS.

    We can provide support in a variety of ways:

    • Co-observations to practice aligning evidence & scoring indicators in the LEAP Framework
    • Support in writing an effective Classroom Observation Form (COF), including writing rationale statements & reflective questions
    • Planning for feedback conversations, including action steps grounded in the LEAP Framework
    • Discussing & clarifying LEAP indicator behaviors
    • Practice using the appendices for specialized areas
    • Facilitate calibration sessions to ensure that ILTs are calibrated on LEAP Framework & scoring

    2024-25 Peer Observation Opt-in Request (for Teacher Support) *Closing April 1, 2025


  • Student Perception Resources

    The Student Perception Survey (SPS) provides teachers and school leaders with a unique perspective on teachers’ educational practice as experienced by students. Teachers and school leaders can utilize the SPS data to understand students’ experiences better and then reflect on strengths and growth areas aligned to the SPS constructs, LEAP framework, and professionalism framework to improve practice and help every child succeed.

    See SPS Strategies and Tools in the LEAP Handbook

  • Learn How to Create Effective CLOs

    This Content Language Objective site  provides example CLO's, functions & forms, as well as resources to help write a CLO.


  • Office of Talent
    1860 Lincoln Street, 9th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203

    Your input is important to us
    720-423-2600 or

    Lisa Garcia Simms, Senior Manager of Frameworks (LEAP and SSP GPS) 

    Stacey Sheehan-Block, Site Manager   


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