Educational Technology & Library Services

  • Students reading


  • Educational Technology can support with:

    • Engage school staff with relevant, differentiated professional learning focused on best practices and the practical application of classroom technology
    • Collaborate with teachers to create and implement technology-rich, curricular, student digital learning experiences
    • Co-plan with central departments around the use of technology that can streamline departmental work practices.
    • Deliver educational programs for students, parents, and educators on Internet safety & media literacy.
    • Consult with building leaders on best practices for the rollout of technology devices, including the development of instructional technology plans.
    • Provide digital curriculum and resources to support students’ technology skills.
    • Work with instructional leaders to support work with Student Learning Objectives (e.g. baseline preparedness, collection of body of evidence) for Teacher Librarians and Technology Teachers.

  • Library Services can support with:

    • Assist in choosing diverse, high-quality physical and digital resources which align with students’ interests, needs, curriculum, and culture. 
    • Deliver books processed, shelf-ready and accessible through the Denver Public Schools’ online library catalog.
    • Provide equitable access to grade-level appropriate, curriculum-aligned, academically vetted digital databases with single sign-on and building-based professional development.