Trauma-Informed Practices

  • Restorative

    Overview of Trauma-Informed Practices

    Through our vision of Every student in DPS learns in a Safe & Welcoming, supportive, and inclusive environment where their social-emotional well-being is prioritized alongside academic success. We are dedicated to our mission of a Trauma-Informed Approach that recognizes the impact of trauma on students’ learning and well-being. By equipping educators with trauma-informed strategies, we create schools that foster healing, resilience, and meaningful relationships, ensuring every student feels safe, supported, and ready to learn.

    As a district, We are committed to Every Learner Thrives, acknowledging that trauma can create systemic and personal barriers that affect emotional and physical health while impeding access to education. By implementing trauma-informed practices, we can better understand students’ experiences, make meaningful changes, and build a school community where students feel seen, heard, and valued.

    Trauma-informed approaches within any system are guided by:

    1. Realize the widespread impact of trauma and the various pathways to support.
    2. Recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma in individuals across the system.
    3. Respond by incorporating knowledge about trauma into all aspects of the system's policies, procedures, and practices.
    4. Resist Re-traumatization by minimizing unnecessary triggers (e.g., reminders of trauma or loss) and implementing trauma-informed strategies to support individuals effectively.

    The Role of the DPS Central Office Trauma-Informed Practices Team

    The DPS Central Office Trauma-Informed (TI) practices team is dedicated to supporting the growth, implementation, and consistency of TI across school teams. Aligned with DPS’s vision that "Every Learner Thrives," our work focuses on Safe & Welcoming Environments, ensuring all students have the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to succeed in a diverse society.

    Our Universal school-wide support model provides coaching and consultation on:

    • Professional learning opportunities for school teams on strategies and implementation of Trauma-Informed practices.
    • School-wide systems development and implementation of TI.
    • Integration of Positive Behavioral Supports to create proactive, inclusive environments.

    What is a Trauma-Informed School?

    A trauma-informed K-12 school system is one where educators, administrators, staff, students, families, and community members understand and address the impact of traumatic stress on learning, behavior, and relationships. By recognizing how trauma affects both students and school personnel, schools can move away from punitive responses and instead implement supportive strategies that foster emotional well-being, academic success, and positive school culture. Prioritizing trauma-informed approaches ensures that schools provide the necessary skills, resources, and environments to help students and staff manage stress, build resilience, and thrive.(National Child Traumatic Stress Network. (n.d.). Trauma-informed schools for children in K-12: A systems framework)

    Activating the Learning Brain Using the Three R’s

    Developed by Dr. Bruce Perry, the Regulate. Relate. Reason framework provides a process for supporting adults and students through moments of stress or dysregulation. When an individual is dysregulated, their brain is not in a place to process logic or problem-solving. Instead of jumping straight to reasoning, we must first help them regulate their emotions, then build connection through relationships, and finally, engage in reasoning.

    This sequence is essential because emotions drive behavior. By prioritizing regulation and connection first, we create the conditions for children to feel safe, heard, and ready to learn. Understanding and applying the Three R’s can transform how we support students, fostering environments where they can thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.


    The Three R's

    Creating a Trauma-Informed Learning Environment (Social/Emotional Skills and Wellness)

    A trauma-informed learning environment prioritizes safety, support, and the promotion of wellness for all students. Schools achieve this by fostering healthy interactions among students and staff, teaching social and emotional skills, and developing self-regulation strategies.

    In this approach, the school ensures students feel safe and supported across physical, social, emotional, and academic dimensions. Staff model healthy social and emotional behaviors while integrating trauma-informed practices into the broader school framework.


    Connect with the District TI Team!

    Our team is here to support your school’s implementation of Trauma-Informed Practices. Whether you need guidance, professional learning, or resources, we’re ready to collaborate. Reach out today to build stronger, more connected school communities!


  • Culturally Sustaining Teaching and Learning
    1860 Lincoln Street, 8th Floor
    780 Grant Street and Acoma Street locations

    Marccus Spearman
    Manager, Trauma-Informed and Restorative Practices