Environmental Services
Hazardous & Universal Waste Management
Universal Waste Management
Denver Public Schools, is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for its student, faculty and staff. The Universal Waste Management program streams lines universal hazardous waste for collection and recycling. Hazardous waste is defined as any waste with properties that make it dangerous or potentially harmful to human health and the environment. Hazardous waste is generated from many sources. Items collected and recycled from our school includes: ballast, batteries, laboratory chemicals, lamps/bulbs, and any old or new latex paints.
Laboratory Hazardous Materials & Chemical Management Plan
Denver Public Schools is committed to maintaining a culture of safety for its student, faculty, and staff in the classroom/laboratory environments. Proper chemical management and training are essential to making sure students and staffs are aware of the potential hazard related to laboratory chemical use. Please contact, Environmental Services for assistance with proper chemical management/storage compatibility and inspections of safety equipments.
Link below provides access to Chemical Management Template, District guidance, training and other resources.
Information & References:
Centers for Disease Control (CDC): School Chemistry Laboratory Safety Guide
CDPHE:Rules and Regulations Governing Schools
CDPHE: Chemical Management Guidance for Schools
CDPHE: Prohibited Restricted Chemicals - EXCEL
Environmental Services
Service Building - Hilltop
2800 W. 7th Ave.
Denver, CO 80204
Joni Rix
Manager and Site Manager
720-423-4195Ben Hale
Asbestos Project Manager