Environmental Services

  • Indoor Air Quality 

    According to a study conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is often 2-5 times higher for pollution and contaminates than outdoor air quality. There are several factors that can affect the quality of indoor air, including: indoor chemical sources, inadequate ventilation systems, ambient air form outside, and microbial contaminates such as mold. Temperature and humildity levels can also exasperate poor indoor air quality. Good indoor air quality is an important component of a healthy indoor environment to support our student's learning. Reducing exposure from known sources, providing adequate ventilation, and limiting outdoorr air from entering the building. 

    Reducing exposure from known sources, providing adequate ventilation, and air cleaning are a few key methods to control indoor air quality. 

    To submit a request for an indoor air quality investigation or mold concerns, please have your FM sign into  DPS Tririga and submit a request to Environmental Services. 


    Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas found in schools and homes across the country. Radon comes from the breakdown of uranium, and is known to cause lung cancer. Exposure to radon can occur when it's gas seep under building from the soil and into the atmosphere. Denver Public Schools, complies with state and federal regulations to minimize the potential for exposure. Environmental Services coordinates activities for radon tests and maintains records of the results. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recommends mitigation for radon results above 4.0 picocuries per Liter of air (pCi/L). 

    To access our radon reports, please sign into your DPS Employee Google account. Scroll through the list of Building Folders to locate the school of interest. Open the folder and click on the building's radon report. 


    Information & References: 

    U.S. EPA: Why Indoor Air Quality is Important to Schools 

    U.S. EPA: Mold and Indoor Air Quality in Schools 

    U.S. EPA: Ten Things You Should Know about Mold 

    CDPHE: Defining an Indoor Air Quality Problem

    CDPHE: Understanding Radon