
Retirement Information Checklist

    • Resignation Letter: Submit a letter of resignation to your Manager, Supervisor, Principal and Human Resources. The letter must include the intended last day of work and must align with your contract end date. Contract end dates can be found on your work calendar. See Work Calendars for end dates. Please email your resignation letter to
    • PERA Retirement Kit:  Call PERA's Customer Service Center at 800-759-7372 to request a PERA Retirement Application Kit 90 days before retirement.
    • Teacher/Principal Early Notification Stipend: DCTA, Principals, and Assistant Principals need to submit the Early Retirement Stipend Form by February 1. Email the completed form to
    • Sick Leave Payout: Submit the Sick Leave Deferral Agreement to at least 30 days prior to your retirement date. Sick Leave Deferral requests received after 30 days from your retirement will not be honored. Sick Leave Payouts are issued approximately eight to ten weeks after your final paycheck