Employee Wellness Programs 2024 - 2025

  • Autoimmune Series It includes 3 activities, Eating for Immunity webinar, Autoimmune Diseases reading and completion of the Well Aware program. Click on the title for more information and registration. Complete by March 31, 2025.

    Cancer Series Learn about the different guidelines on the most common cancers, attend the Cancer Prevention webinar with Colorado Cancer Center and try Meatless Mondays. Click on the title for more information and registration. Complete by March 31, 2025.

    Care Solace 24/7/365 Mental Health Care Coordination Service for Denver Public Schools Students, Staff, and their Families

    Challenges Information is available before the start of each challenge. Walktober will run October 1 - 31 and Spring into Motion March - April.

    Dental - Information to come.

    Diabetes Series Take a diabetes risk assessment, participate in the Good Carb Challenge, complete the 5-Day Sugar Detox and attend an American Diabetes Association webinar. Click on the title for more information and registration. Complete by December 31, 2024.

    DPS Dedicated Work Place Mental Support Find support through a 1:1 virtual consultation

    Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Provides you and your dependents 24/7 support, resources, and information to help you with all of life's challenges. The company ID is DPS.

    Exercise for Beginners Webinar, 12 pm, Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

    Financial Resources 

    Fitness Challenge Program It includes a cardio challenge, 30-day crunch challenge, 30-day push up challenge, 10-day squat challenge and a 30-day jumping jack challenge. Click on the title for more information and registration, Complete by May 30, 2025.

    Gym and Fitness Class Passess Click to review.

    Gym Discounts As a DPS employee you have access to fitness facility discounts across the Denver Metro area.

    Headspace for Educators Headspace offers free access to K-12 (primary-secondary) teachers and supporting staff in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.

    Healthy Heart Series Visit your physician and know what your numbers are, print “know your numbers” and use as a reference, and review “Life’s Essential 8” fact sheet, download and share with your friends and family. Click on the title for more information and registration. Complete by February 14, 2025.

    Injury Prevention Series Includes, the low back fix challenge, hips don't lie webinar, shoulder & neck webinar and the sports injury prevention. Click on the title for information and registration. Complete by April 18, 2025.

    Tobacco Free Resources quitting is hard. But it is easier if you prepare ahead of time. When you feel like you are ready to quit, there are resources to help you.

    Leaders Collection by TED and Workplace Peace Collection of 12 on demand videos from 30 - 59 minutes each covering popular topics as trust, integrity, emotional intelligence, justice, culture, dignity, leadership, inclusion and belonging. Click on the title for the list of offerings. Complete at your own pace.

    Leaders Wellbeing Program(video) Watch the video first and then fill this out if interested: Stress management for leaders. Program runs October - May.

    Maternity Resources

    20-Minute Virtual Meditation Every other Tuesday, 12 noon. Click on the link for information and registration.

    Mindful Mondays. Once per month. Click on the link to register.

    Move@Work Register to receive a daily 5-7 minute workout.

    MyStrength Digital tools for emotional wellness for Kaiser members.

    Nutrition - Information to come.

    Ombuds Thought partners who listen in a safe and confidential space.

    Pain Management Participate in our wellness webinar Healthy Aging, register with Arthritis@Work and read 11 tips to living with chronic pain. Click the title for more information and registration. Complete by March 31, 2025.

    Sleep Series This is 3 webinars: How to Set Up Your Environment for Better Sleep, How to Get Better Sleep by Paying Attention to Food and Drink and How to Use Your Body’s Circadian to Get Better Sleep. Click on the title for information and registration. Complete by March 31, 2025.

    Stress Management Series Includes Filling Up Your Cup, EAP Informational Webinar, Master Your Motivation, Boundaries and Gratitude and Forming meaningful Relationships and Navigating Conflict. Click on the title for more information and registration. Complete by March 31, 2025.

    Walking/Hiking/Running Program Participate in any of these: Back2School 5K, 3 Weeks/Miles, 1 Hike and the Colfax Marathon Relay. Click the title for information and registration. 

    Wellbeing Wednesdays Once per month. Click on the title to register.

    Winter Wellness How to stay safe and healthy this winter. Click on the title for more information. Complete by March 30, 2025.

  • For more information about the Employee Wellness District-wide programming offers, please reach out to staffwellness@dpsk12.net

Workout of the Week!

  • Ready for a physical challenge. Check out this assortment of workouts.

    Try them here.

  • Disclaimer: Gifts starting at $25.01 are taxable to the recipient as supplemental wages and are subject to both income tax and employment taxes.