Medical Benefits - Health Insurance

  • Each plan is selected to help you manage your health, your way. DPS also contributes money to help pay for the cost of these plans (called Benefit Credits). Each Employee Association (or union) has their own Benefit Credit amounts.

    • Kaiser Permanente provides high-quality care and coverage in one place for a connected, coordinated experience. At most medical offices, you can see a doctor, get labs and X-rays, and pick up a prescription in one location. Kaiser Permanente doctors are part of the largest multi-specialty medical group in the state, offering preventive and specialty care, a 24/7 medical advice line, and convenient video, phone, and online care options.  Visit Kaiser Permanente's microsite for DPS or call 1-800-324-9208.
    • MotivHealth has partnered with Town and Country and Centura (now CommonSpirit/AdventHealth) and  to create a medical network that provides access to high-quality care at the best price. MotivHealth combines unique tools that allow members to shop and compare the costs of various providers before receiving care = no more guessing. MotivHealth also offers prescription assistance programs that can help significantly lower or eliminate out-of-pocket medication costs. Customer service representatives, called Personal Health Assistants, are available 24/7/365 to assist members with finding affordable care, answering any questions, and being a resource when navigating the complexities of healthcare. Visit MotivHealth's microsite for DPS or call 844-234-4472.
    • UnitedHealthcare provides benefits to help you prepare for every part of your life — to help you live healthier, save for the future and live life to the fullest. UnitedHealthcare created these plans  to offer personalized options for health benefits and wellness services. Visit UnitedHealthcare's microsite for DPS or call 1-866-801-4409.
  • High Deductible Plans

    You have to meet the deductible level before the insurance provider starts to pay for a portion of services. Employees are eligible to contribute to a pre-tax savings plan, called a Health Savings Account (HSA), so that money is available to pay for services applied towards their deductible. DPS contributes an additional $27.92 per paycheck directly to the HSA of employees enrolled in a high deductible plan.

    If you select the plan with a $3,500 deductible, the cost you pay semi-monthly from your paycheck, or premium, will be less than if you select the plan with a $3,200 deductible. With 100% preventive care coverage, an individual with few medical expenses may choose a higher deductible plan as the premiums are the lowest. Conversely, an individual with specialized medical needs might choose a lower deductible plan, as the insurance provider starts to pay for a portion of services once the deductible is met.

    With the high deductible plans, preventive medications are free of charge. 

  • Deductible HMO 1000 Plans

    You have to meet the deductible level of $1000 before the insurance provider starts to pay for a portion of some services, and there are copays for other services. A copay is a fee paid to receive the service, such as a $60 copay for a specialist office visit. 

    Employees who participate in the Kaiser Permanente DHMO 1000 or UHC Colorado Doctors 1000 plan are eligible to contribute to a pre-tax spending plan, called the Flexible Spending Account. DPS discounts the cost of these  premiums an additional $27.92 per paycheck. This discounted cost is reflected in the rate shown on the Benefits Enrollment Site and in the enrollment guide.

    With the Deductible HMO plans, there is a set copay for prescriptions, depending on whether they are generic, preferred, or specialty drugs.

  • Cost

    • Preventative care is always covered 100% including an annual preventative visit to your primary care doctor.
    • DPS provides a semi-monthly benefit credit to help offset the cost of medical premiums 
      • Determine the amount of your benefit credit on your Employee Association page in our Benefits Enrollment Guide (available in English and Spanish) 
      • If using a PC, refer to the links on the right side of this page for each Employee Association's per paycheck medical rates for 2023. 
      • If using a mobile device, refer to the links below for Employee Association's per paycheck medical rates for 2023.
    • Pay attention to the costs of the different options:
      • Think about whether you want to pay more out of each paycheck (premium cost) but less when you need care (deductible or out-of-pocket max), or vice versa; 
      • For all the specifics you need, visit our Benefits Enrollment Guide (available in English and Spanish) 

  • Network

    • Is your current doctor in your new provider’s network?
    • Remember you can only enroll in a Health Savings Account (HSA) if you are enrolled in a qualified-high deductible health plan (CDHP).  

    Are you and/or your family eligible for free or low-cost insurance? Call the DPS Medicaid department to find out and receive more information at 720-423-3661.

  • How to Enroll

    You can enroll during the open enrollment period each spring, or during your new hire open enrollment period when you join Team DPS. You’ll be prompted to sign up as you go through the benefit enrollment process. Enrollment outside of our annual Open Enrollment period is restricted to specific situations. See the Qualifying Life Event page for additional information on mid-year changes.

  • How to Change

    You may make changes to your enrollment during Open Enrollment each year or if you experience a Qualifying Life Event. Visit the Qualifying Life Event page to learn more about what events allow for benefit changes, what you need to do, and deadlines for appropriate paperwork. 

    I was auto-enrolled. Now what? 

    Go to our Auto-Enrolled page for information on your plans and what to do next.

  • Who to Contact

    Kaiser Permanente


    • Visit MotivHealth 
    • Call Motivhealth at 800-392-7786


  • What benefits am I enrolled in?

    • To view your benefits selections for the 2024-25 plan year, click here to log in and view your Confirmation Statement (bottom of the page, under Benefits).   

  • What is my employee association?

    Determine your employee association here.

  • What if I don’t pay union dues? Am I still part of that employee association?

    Yes, regardless of whether you pay dues or not, you are still part of your designated employee association.

  • How do I find out if my doctor is in network?

    • UnitedHealthcare - Go to Find A Provider to find and select one three plans for searching your preferred doctors or top rated specialists.
    • Kaiser Permanente—visit Find a Provider to find and select four options for searching your preferred doctors or top rated specialists.
    • Motivhealth: go to Find a Provider to find and select from one option for searching your preferred doctors or top rated specialists.

  • What plan should I choose?

    To learn more about available medical plans, please review the Benefits Enrollment Guide. We also recommend that you use the Plan Decision Tool within the Benefits Enrollment site if you are uncertain about which medical plan to choose.

  • How much does DPS contribute to my benefits?

    DPS contributions vary based on your Employee Association (union). For information on your specific Employee Association, please consult the Benefits Enrollment Guide.

    • Benefit Credits: Benefit credits are what DPS contributes to offset your cost for premiums for medical, dental, and vision plans. Most employees are eligible to receive them. The amount varies by employee association and how many hours you work a week.
    • Medical Subsidy: Employees who don’t receive benefit credits may qualify for a medical subsidy, which is a discount off the cost of your premiums for medical plans.
    • Child Subsidy: All benefit-eligible employees qualify to receive a child subsidy to offset the cost of premiums for medical plans that cover children.
    • HSA or HMO Subsidy: Employees who enroll in one of the CDHP medical plans and open a Health Savings Account (HSA) are eligible to receive this subsidy. You are not required to make HSA contributions to receive this subsidy, however it is recommended that you do so. Employees enrolled in a DHMO plan automatically receive the HMO subsidy as a premium discount.

  • How will I receive my benefit credits and/or subsidies?

    • Benefit Credits: Listed under deductions on your paystub. They show as a negative number, which means it is a credit to you and lowers the cost of the premium. Benefit Credits are automatically applied to discount the cost of your medical premium.
    • Medical Subsidy: This will not appear on your paystub, but will be automatically applied to discount the cost of your medical premium.
    • Child Subsidy: This will not appear on your paystub, but will be automatically applied to discount the cost of your medical premium.
    • HSA or HMO Subsidy: HSA subsidies will be automatically added to your HSA account twice a month. HMO subsidies will be automatically applied to discount the cost of your medical premiums and will not appear on your paystub.

  • Do I need to provide documentation during open enrollment (i.e., marriage/birth certificates)?

    No. Documentation is not required during open enrollment. If you need to change your benefits after a qualifying life event (such as a birth, marriage, or divorce) and are eligible to change benefits during the plan year, documentation may be required.

  • When can I change/update/stop supplemental benefits? When do they start?

    Supplemental Benefits include: Critical Illness, Accident, Hospital, and Legal Supplemental Insurance; Auto, Home and Pet Insurance; Life Insurance & Disability Insurance; Long-Term Care Insurance and the Denver Teachers Club Voluntary Payroll Protection Plan & Assistance Fund.

    You can enroll or change supplemental benefits during the new hire and open enrollment periods. You can drop coverage at any time by emailing and completing required forms.

  • What’s the difference between pre-tax and post-tax? When would I want to select either?

    • Pre-tax: The cost of your benefits is deducted from your paycheck before taxes are calculated, and you are therefore only taxed on your remaining paycheck balance. You pay less in taxes with this option.
    • Post-tax: The cost of your benefits is deducted from your paycheck after taxes are calculated. You pay more taxes with this option.
      • Employees who are within three to five years of retirement may want to select post-tax deductions to maximize pensionable income under Colorado PERA. You will be prompted to select pre or post-tax on one of the Benefits Enrollment screens during your enrollment selections. Although Health Saving Account (HSA) contributions are deducted on a pre-tax basis, it does not count against the highest average salary calculated by Colorado PERA.

    Pre-tax and post-tax selections can only be changed during open enrollment or during a qualifying life event.

  • When will I get my insurance cards?

    • Kaiser Permanente: You will receive your insurance card in the mail within 10 days of your coverage start date. You can also print a copy or download a digital version of your card by logging into your Kaiser Permanente account online or the KP app.
    • MotivHealth: Member ID cards will be made available 10-14 days, after your MotivHealth effective date. ID cards will be received, via mail. Additionally, electronic copies of member ID cards can be viewed, emailed, or downloaded within your MotivHealth member portal.  If you have any questions regarding member ID cards or need to order additional ID cards, please contact MotivHealth by dialing 844-234-4472.
    • UnitedHealthcare: You will receive your insurance card in the mail within 10 days of your coverage start date. You can also download the app here: UHC APP.


  • What happens if I need medical care outside of the Denver metro area?

    All individuals enrolled in a Kaiser Permanente, MotivHealth, or UHC medical plan are covered for urgent and emergency care anywhere in the world. Covered means that expenses will apply towards your deductibles and out of pocket maximums, and insurance will cover the claim as if it were within the network. Urgent and emergency care are defined by each provider.

    • UnitedHealthCare: 866-801-4409
    • Kaiser Permanente: 951-268-3900
    • MotivHealth: 844-234-4472 

  • I have a child who is away at college and needs medical coverage. What do I do?

    Children under 26 years of age may be covered under their parents’ medical, dental, and vision insurance plans. Kaiser Permamente, MotivHealth, and UHC offer plans/benefits for dependents who live outside of the Denver-metro area. Check to see if your provider has doctors and medical offices in the area where your child will be living.

    Kaiser Permanente:

    For those dependents who are outside of a Kaiser Permanente service area and under the age of 26, the out of area benefit covers them for limited office visits, diagnostic x-rays, RX refills and therapy visits. For more information, call 877-883-6898.


    For any eligible covered dependents residing outside of Colorado, they will have access to network providers via the First Health network. To search for providers, visit and select First Health Network.  For more information on locating providers in the First Health network, visit  


    With the Colorado Doctor’s Plan (CDP), the dependent will be assigned (or can select) a PCP in the Denver Metro CDP network and utilize the CDP network while in Denver Metro, however, CDP is “wrapped” with UHC’s Doctors Plan network which is nationwide and allows employees and dependents to utilize our nationwide network outside of Colorado. With UnitedHealthcare's Choice Plus network, PCP selection is not required and the plan has out of network care as well as UHC's Nation Wide network. 

    Employees can view a list of in-network MDs on both plans at UHC's pre-member website


  • Benefits
    1860 Lincoln Street, 9th Floor
    Denver, CO 80203
    Employee Benefits Mailbox:

    Site Manager
    Kim Crouch