The Colorado Measures of Academic Success, or CMAS, is the state summative assessment for Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science.
This fall, CDE provided a list of one-third of all schools who will administer Social Studies (Grades 4 and 7) this spring, here. These schools will not test Social Studies again until 2028).
All schools with students in the applicable grades will administer Math and Literacy (Grades 3-8) and Science (Grades 5, 8 and 11).
*Grade-level changes must be updated in IC NO LATER THAN one day prior to the first day of testing.
CMAS Resources
CMAS Resources
The Official CMAS Test Window is April 7-April 25, 2025.
2024-2025 SAL Resources Folder
SAL Accommodations Training Schedule
SAL Ethics and Administration Schedule
Opt Out Policy
Parents/guardians can opt students out of CMAS in the DPS Parent Portal through February. After February, families can request an opt out form from their student's school. Once the form is signed, the school enters the excusal into Infinite Campus. The "Assessment Participation Exemption Request" report in Principal Portal (under Operations) shows all official opt outs/parent excusals.
Helpful Links
PearsonAccessNext Testing Site | Training Site
For technology questions, please visit the Technology Resource page: Technology Setup.
DoTS Support
DoTS provides training for technology representatives in February.
Contact the DoTS Service Desk at 720-423-3888 or for
- Device Support
- Device Setup questions
- Network Support
Refer to the Accommodations folder within the SAL Resources Google folder.
CMAS Results
Score Resources
Individual Student Reports -including Growth Reports- are available in the Student and Parent Portals. Paper copies of Score Reports are sent to the "tested" school at the beginning of the school year. Distribution instructions can be found in the Score Reports folder (CMAS SAL Resources subfolder).
Teachers can view CMAS results in Infinite Campus (Assessment tab) and in Illuminate. Administrators can view CMAS results in the Principal Portal and designated SALs can view CMAS results in PearsonAccessNext.
CMAS Overview
What is the purpose of CMAS?
CMAS is the only assessment given to all Colorado students in grades 3-8 and 11. It measures what students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade in Math, Literacy, Social Studies and Science. Results show if a student is performing at grade level, if they are on track for the next grade and how their results compare to their peers at school and across the district and the state.
Which students takes CMAS?
Elementary and Middle School Students
Each spring, CMAS is given to elementary and middle school students in the following grades and subjects:
- English Language Arts/ELA (Grades 3-8)
- Spanish Language Arts/CSLA (Grades 3-4)
- Qualifying multilingual learners take CSLA in place of ELA.
- Mathematics (Grades 3-8)
- Social Studies (Grades 4 and 7 at select schools)
- Science (Grade 5 and 8)
High School StudentsEach spring, a CMAS Science test is given to Grade 11 students.
How will students be tested?
CMAS is primarily an online test, administered in April. Each school's specific schedule will vary.
CSLA is a paper test, not available online. All other tests are offered both online and on paper. Paper can be assigned on a student-by-student basis. To test groups of students on paper, the school must complete a Paper Waiver.
How can we prepare our students for CMAS?
CMAS is based on the Colorado Academic Standards, which students learn throughout the school year. Students practice resources can be found here.
Colorado Alternate State Assessment
When will CMAS results be available?
Individual student performance reports are uploaded to Portals in July. Score reports and distribution instructions are sent to designated Site Assessment Leaders/SALs at the beginning of the school year. These reports must be distributed to families as soon as possible and by mid-October at the latest.

Dates to Know
2024-2025 Official Test Window: April 7th-25th
Susan Marinovich
CMAS Specialist