The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) was passed by the Colorado legislature and went into effect on July 1, 2013. This law focuses on K-3 literacy development and includes requirements for assessment, individualized READ plans for students who have been identified as having a significant reading deficiency, and specifics around parent communication and involvement. CDE will be collecting READ Act information yearly. DPS currently supports DIBELS 8 and mCLASS Lectura as its READ Act assessment in grades K-8 and i-Ready in grades 6 – 12. STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reader, i-Ready, and Istation are also approved for use within DPS.
2024-25 READ SAL Communication Archive
READ ACT SAL Qualifications
READ Act Overview
2024-25 READ Act Deadlines and Requirements
CDE READ Act Main Page
CDE-Approved Reading Intervention Programs
READ Assessment Selection By School
Guidance for English Language READ Plan Exemptions
LOA Guidance
LOA Guidance for Dual Language and Immersion Programs
CDE Body of Evidence Guidelines
Rostering and Score Acquisition for READ assessmentsHow To Guides
Creating a READ Plan: Clickpath (Older view)
READ Template Draft for Optional Use
Printing Current Year Plans (new 2024-25 resource coming soon)
Discontinuing AGL Students in the Fall
Exiting Kindergartners in the Midyear
Creating an Irregularity Report
Entering Exemptions
Newcomer Exemptions and Non-Exemptions
Understanding the Testing Audit
Understanding the READ Completion Audit (video)
READ Plans are Created: Now What?
Updating Plans in the Midyear
Closing Out Plans in the Spring (new 2024-25 resource coming soon_
READ Plans Over Multiple Years
Determining AGL CompetencyMLL Resources
Foundational Skills for MLLs
SERVE 1-pager
ICLD/SERVE for Newcomers
SERVE in Spanish One Pager
Instructional Focus Areas for Bilingual Classrooms
Determining Date of First EnrollmentParent Information
DPS and READ Act for Parents Presentation | Recording
Parent Home Strategies: English | Spanish
Updated Home Strategies
Reading Tips for Parents (multiple languages offered)
Teacher Talking Points with Parents (for students scoring SBGL)
Tips for Supporting Reading Skills at Home
Literacy Begins at Home
Regional Educational Laboratory Program Supporting Reading at Home
Helping your Child Become a Reader
UFLI Parent Resource HubLiteracy Resources and Instructional Strategies
University of Florida Literacy Institute Free Resources
CDE Best Practices for Instruction
Oral and Written Communication Instructional Approaches
Instructional and Parent Strategies-Condensed Version
Florida Center for Reading Research
Reading Rocket Instructional Strategies
Reading 101: A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing
Why Reading at the End of 3rd Grade Matters (Video)
What Teachers Should Know about the Science of Reading (video)
Minimum Skill Competencies in Reading: English | Spanish
4th+ Goal Suggestions
Colorado Academic Standards (2020)
Reading Level Correlation Chart
External Audit of State READ Act ResultsArchived SAL Communications
SAL Communication Archives 2018-2019
SAL Communication Archive 2019-2020
2020-21 SAL Communication Archive
2021-22 SAL Communications
2022-23 SAL Communication Archive
SAL Communications Archive 2023-24 -
READ and Students With Disabilities
An IEP does not replace a READ plan. Guidance for READ plans for students with disabilities can be found here.
If the student has an IEP with literacy goals, a slightly modified version of the READ plan is available.
The READ Act states that ALL students must be screened for a significant reading deficiency. The Colorado Emergent Literacy Scales (CELS) is used to assess students in K-3 who, "receive their instruction based on the alternate achievement standards or Extended Evidence Outcomes." In order to be eligible for CELS, K-2 students must have a disability code of 01, 10 or 13 (students with a disability code of 13 are only eligible if they are in the general education classroom less than 40% of the time, as indicated by a 303 Setting Code). For 3rd grade, students must have the need for alternative assessments documented in their IEP.
Students who are CELS eligible are not exempt from having a READ plan.
2024-25 Training Deck
2024-25 CELS Training Recording
CELS Scoring Guide
CELS Scoring Sheet
Scoring Sheet in Google Sheet format
CELS One-Pager
CELS Eligibility Request for Review Form
Click path for Entering Scores in OasisFor students not eligible for CELS and for students in 4th and 5th grade who cannot access the school READ assessment, DIBELS 8/Lectura may be an option. For our students who are DHH, Reading Subtests from the WJ IV can be used. DPS will manually upload these scores, but schools are responsible for sending them to the READ Coordinator before the Assessment Window deadline. The following form should be used:
DIBELS 8/Lectura Alternate Score Submission
Scoring Sheet for Calculating DIBELS 8 Composite Score
2024-25 School Year
Fall Assessment Window for K-12
8/26/24-9/27/24 (Updated)
Midyear Assessment Window for K-12
Spring Assessment Window for K-12
Teacher Determination Window
Fall: 9/23//24-10/11/24 (Updated)Midyear: 2/3/25- 2/14/25
Spring: 5/23/25-5/29/25
READ Plan Completion Deadlines:
Fall: 10/25/24 (Updated)
Midyear: 2/28/25
Spring: 5/30/25
Catherine_Beck@dpsk12.net 720-423-2564Assessment Applications
OASIS, School Folders, SAL Designation, etc.)