Assessment-Informed Specialized Instruction is one of our key drivers towards a "Safe and Welcoming Environment" in DPS. The various assessments used throughout the district provide valuable information for students, parents, and educators on whether students have mastered grade-level content and are on track to graduate prepared for the 21st century. Assessments inform school and district personnel on where to improve curriculum, instruction and leadership to better serve all students so that we fulfill our mission and Every Learner Thrives.
The Assessment Administration team supports the successful administration of local and state assessments through a partnership with school staff that are assigned a "Site Assessment Leader" (SAL) role. Please see the resources below for strategic planning and support of assessment administration.Both the Primary and Secondary/Alternate SAL must attend annual training for each assessment they oversee. For SALs that are new to the role, in person training is highly recommended. Please see the Fall/Beginning of Year SAL Training Schedule for more information. The Assessment Specialists will share later training sessions throughout the year.
Assessment Resources
Resources for Site Assessment Leader (SAL) Designation and SAL Responsibilities
Opt Out Resources
Opting Out of Assessments
Parents who wish to excuse their student from participation in one or more of the state assessments may do so by filling out the district’s parent opt-out application. The application is available to parents through the Parent Portal through the end of February. Parents are encouraged to discuss the process with their school principal.Resources
Assessment Participation Exemption Request-School Edition
Assessment Participation Exemption Request-Parent Edition -
Learn more about:
School Performance Framework (SPF)
Emily Griffith Campus
1860 Lincoln St. 7th Floor
Denver, CO 80203MacKenzie Lane
Director of Assessment
mackenzie_lane@dpsk12.netSite Administrator
Amy Corr
amy_corr@dpsk12.netSecurity Plan/Training Attendance Submission
2024-25 Unified Measurement Calendar
Assessment Applications
(OASIS, School Folders, SAL Designation, etc.)
Assessment Resources for Parents