The Colorado legislature passed the Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) in 2012 and went into effect on July 1, 2013. This law focuses on K-3 literacy development and includes requirements for assessment, individualized READ plans for students who have been identified as having a significant reading deficiency, and specifics around parent/guardian communication and involvement. Below are templates for parent/guardian communications in the top 8 most common languages spoken in DPS.
You must have a dpsk12.net account to access these. Parents will not be able to view the link. If you share via email, please make a copy first, and then change the share settings for "Anyone with the link".
*Significantly Below Grade Level Identification Letter
These MUST be sent to the parent/guardian for students newly identified as having a significant reading deficiency (SRD) with an SBGL score.*K-3
English | Amharic | Arabic | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese | French | Dari
English | Amharic | Arabic | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese | French |If the student had an active READ plan from the 2024-2025 school year AND scores SBGL or BGL in the fall, a letter is not required. However, the school must still contact the parent/guardian via phone or in-person to notify them of the continued need for a READ plan. Parent involvement in the creation of the READ plan is still a requirement.
Parent Information Sheet
(This replaces the Parent Brochure)English | Amharic | Arabic | Nepali | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese | French | Dari
Removal from a READ Plan Letter
English | Amharic | Arabic | Nepali | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese | Dari