ACCESS for English Language Learners

  • ACCESS for ELLs®is a yearly large-scale suite of assesments that asses social and academic English language proficiency in four domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing for students who are identified at Multilingual Learners (NEP or LEP) in Kindergarten through 12th grade. This is a state required assessment that meets the federal requirements for monitoring English Learners.

    Students in grades 1-12 who are classified as English language learners and have significant cognitive disabilities will participate in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs.

    WIDA Assessments Offered Online or Paper: Starting in 2024, paper versions of ACCESS are available only to students with an active IEP which state they require paper testing.  The Alternate ACCESS assessment as well as the Kindergarten ACCESS assessment are paper only. 

    For additional information, please visit the vendor website here:





Dates to Know

  • 2024-2025 ACCESS Administration Dates

    January 13th through February 14th, 2025