The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (READ Act) was passed in 2012 and enacted in 2013, giving Colorado the guiding philosophy and resources to help students read at grade level by the time they enter 4th grade. This law is preventative in nature focuses on K-3 literacy development and includes requirements for assessment, individualized READ plans for students who have been identified as having a significant reading deficiency, and specifics around parent communication and involvement. CDE collects READ Act information from school districts yearly in June.
DPS currently supports DIBELS 8 and mCLASS Lectura as its READ Act assessment in grades K-8 and i-Ready in grades 6 – 12. STAR Early Literacy, STAR Reader, i-Ready, and Istation are also approved for use within DPS.
READ SAL Information
READ ACT SAL Qualifications
READ Act Overview
READ 101 Webinar Series (CDE)
2024-25 READ Act Deadlines and Requirements
CDE READ Act Main Page
External Audit of State READ Act ResultsArchived SAL Communications
SAL Communication Archives 2018-2019
SAL Communication Archive 2019-2020
2020-21 SAL Communication Archive
2021-22 SAL Communications
2022-23 SAL Communication Archive -
SAL Trainings
The 2024-25 SAL training schedule is here.
If you are a new SAL, please also register for and complete the SAL 101 course.
SAL Training
Both the primary and secondary (alternate) SAL must be trained
Elementary SAL training
Middle School/High School SAL Training
Turnkey Resources*
Elementary Teacher Turnkey Training Middle School/High School Teacher Turnkey Training
*Please note that Charter School employees will need to use their dpsk12.net credentials to access most of these resources. This document provides information for how to log in.
Cate Beck, Elementary READ Act Specialist
720-423-2564Corina Loan, Middle and High School READ Act Specialist
2024-25 School Year
Fall Assessment Window for K-12
8/26/24-9/27/24 (Updated)Midyear Assessment Window for K-12
1/7/25-1/31/25Spring Assessment Window for K-12
4/28/25-5/23/25Teacher Determination Window
Fall: 9/23//24-10/11/24 (Updated)
Midyear: 2/3/25- 2/14/25
Spring: 5/23/25-5/29/25READ Plan Completion Deadlines:
Fall: 10/25/24 (Updated)
Midyear: 2/28/25
Spring: 5/30/25