The Equity Professional Learning Day emerged from the DCTA Contract discussions in August 2022.  The contract was amended to include revisions to Article 8 - Professional Standards, and a new section, Article 31 - Equity in the School District, was incorporated into the DCTA contract.  These changes aimed at ensuring we would be held accountable for promoting equity in various aspects, which involve the creation of the District and Association Collaborative Equity Committee and the addition of an Equity Professional Learning Day to professional development days. This work is in addition to the completion of the Year 1 of the Equity Experience Modules. Detailed information can be found can be found here.

    Based on feedback from last year’s learning, the District and Association Collaborative Equity Committee, the Culture, Equity, and Leadership Team (CELT), and the Professional Learning team made adjustments to the format of this year’s learning. For the 2024 - 2025 school year,  educators will self-select a learning path to grow in their equity journeyAll paths are asynchronous with the exception of the Film Study. Participants must complete reflection questions and surveys for credit.  Educators will be auto-enrolled into the first session of the year and register themselves for the remaining sessions of their learning path after completing the first session.


    • Intentionally reflect on one’s role in confronting and acknowledging bias and privilege. 
    • Gain resources and strategies to confront and acknowledge bias and privilege and how this contributes to individual work and the larger system.
    • Engage in sessions designed to provide tools and strategies that support school teams with providing safe spaces and building trust. 
    • Intentionally reflect on and understand the individual’s responsibility in anti-racist work, the larger system affecting that work, and the current environment and gain strategies to support my role in implementing anti-racist education.


  • 1.  Complete the following instructions to register for ONE learning path

    1. Read through each learning path
    2. Click on the "REGISTER HERE" hyperlink next to the title of the learning path you want to take. If you select the film study learning path, you’ll need to register for the location you’d like to attend. It is the only learning path that is in person.  You will only need to register for ONE learning path.
    3. Another window will open prompting you to login to Learning Space using your DPS credentials
    4. Select the blue Register button to register for the course
    5. Access to the learning path will be available September 27.
  • The Four Pivots Year #1

    The Four Pivots Year #1 - REGISTER HERE

    This learning path is for participants who are new to the district or new to the role for the 24-25 school year and did not engage in the first year of Equity Professional Learning. Educators will review and reflect on the intersection of racial equity, social equity, and educational equity and gain tools and strategies for support on their equity journey. Educators will also be introduced to Dr. Shawn A. Ginwright's The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves as a self-reflection and healing tool by engaging in content regarding the first pivot - From Lens to Mirror - and its components. Educators will make a commitment to themselves and how they will grow on their equity journey. By the end of the course, educators will apply learning by intentionally reflecting on explicit bias and the role mirror work plays in repairing the harm caused by explicit bias.

  • The Four Pivots Second Pivot Deep Dive

    The Four Pivots Second Pivot Deep Dive - REGISTER HERE

    The Four Pivots Second Pivot Deep Dive asks participants to delve into the principles of transformational relationships as outlined in "The Four Pivots." Unlike transactional relationships that focus on tasks and outcomes, transformational relationships emphasize depth, mutual growth, and authentic connections. This course will explore the key elements of building trust and authenticity, and how to cultivate empathy and understanding in educational and professional settings. Participants will learn to create safe spaces that promote vulnerability, genuine expression, and risk-taking. The session will provide educators with practical skills to foster deep connections with students and colleagues, address diverse needs, and advance inclusivity and equity. By the end of the session, participants will develop actionable plans to sustain and enhance their transformational relationships, incorporating goals, strategies for ongoing communication, conflict resolution methods, and self-care practices.

  • Ruthless Equity Book Study

    Ruthless Equity Book Study - REGISTER HERE

    This learning path aims to introduce educators to the foundational concepts of Ruthless Equity as presented by Ken Williams. Over a series of sessions, participants will explore the necessity of an uncompromising stance on equity to address persistent educational disparities and foster a truly inclusive educational environment. By the end of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of ruthless equity and be equipped with a toolkit of strategies to integrate these approaches into their daily practice. They will also be prepared to measure and sustain their equity efforts, ensuring a lasting impact on their educational environments.

  • Reclaiming the Narrative Film Study

    Reclaiming the Narrative is a social justice film centering on the experiences of a group of diverse, intersectional LGBTQ+ students–their hopes, joys, struggles, and stories. Funded by RootEd and produced in collaboration with A Queer Endeavor, a nationally recognized center for Gender and Sexuality studies in Education housed in the CU Boulder School of Education, this original and groundbreaking documentary goes beyond a typical LGBTQ+ or equity professional development and asks educators to look inward in order to disrupt a “check-box” approach to inclusive and equitable learning environments. This track requires a “beyond the basics” knowledge of LGBTQ+ topics and vocabulary and asks that participants come with curiosity, a progressive mindset, and a desire to deeply engage and stretch their learning in this area. Space for this track is limited and on a first come, first serve basis.




    The following schedule only includes the required Equity Focus Professional Learning Days and other optional Central Office-led and Teacher Directed days.  The full professional learning schedule can be found by clicking here and locating the 2024 - 2025 school year calendar.

    August 13

    Equity PL Intro

    8:00 AM - 9:30 AM 

    Central-led Role-based PL

    9:45 AM - 4:00 PM

    September 27

    Equity PL 

    8:00 AM - 11:15 AM 

    Teacher - Directed

    12:30 PM -   4:00 PM

    April 18

    Equity PL  

    8:00 AM -  9:45 AM

    Central-led Role-based PL

    10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

    Teacher - Directed

    12:30 PM -   4:00 PM