Living Our Values

  •  Our DPS

    Engaging Team DPS through our Shared Core Values

    It’s important that our values are more than words -– they need to be actions that we all live every day. It’s up to all of us to continue bringing them to life and help them “go viral” throughout all of DPS.

    • CollaboRATE: Each year, every educator (all employees) are asked to participate in the CollaboRATE survey. CollaboRATE allows each member of Team DPS to provide feedback to both DPS and their leaders. This feedback is essential in helping individuals grow and become more effective leaders. The feedback we’ve received from CollaboRATE in the past has driven DPS-wide change, including the implementation of DPS Honors, our Wellness program and additional leadership development opportunities. Learn more about CollaboRATE.
    • Our DPS Day: Beginning with the first Our DPS Day in 2012, we continue to meet as a team annually to discuss how we can continue connecting as a team, using our Shared Core Values as a foundation, to strive toward our vision that Every Child Succeeds
    • Recognition: DPS Honors! is a robust recognition program that celebrates teammates who demonstrate and embody our values.
    • Values-based leadership opportunities: Learn how you can apply the values to your role and how we can all better connect as a team.
    • In our schools and departments: YOU are the best way to infuse our Shared Core Values in DPS. Continue to think about how you can best support a values-based culture on your team by leading by example and using the values as a compass for your decisions and your work. View the Shared Core Values behaviors (.pdf) for examples on how to live the values every day.
    • Focusing on retention: 
      • Our DPS Belong groups offer a place for team members to create community with others throughout the district.
      • Reach One Mentoring provides team members of color space to build a greater level of trust, sense of belonging and support to grow and succeed within DPS
      • Stay Conversations provide leaders the opportunity to connect one-on-one through meaningful dialogue to ensure we are retaining our team members. Leaders: Use the Stay Conversations Guide (.pdf) to help facilitate these conversations.