Engagement & Inclusion

  • Our DPS EQUITY Statement

    Racial and Educational Equity is our collective responsibility. We will achieve equity when we dismantle deeply rooted systems of oppression that have historically resulted in inequitable access and distribution of opportunities and resources for those who represent marginalized identities, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, language and ability.

    We will create conditions where we all belong, are included, have clear purpose (why) and have the autonomy to lead in our respective areas. By creating these conditions, we will eliminate the predictability of success or failure for our students and team members.

    Our EQUITY Approach

    When we, 

    • recognize, acknowledge and honor communities, cultures and lived experiences
    • know the public education system is inequitable and historically rooted in white, cisnormative, heteronormative, Eurocentric culture
    • accept that our equity work is a journey and not a destination
    • center and respond to the lived experiences of our most marginalized communities to create equity for all

    Then we will be able to, 

    • commit to decentering these systems as the norm and to unlearn the beliefs, mindsets, and practices that create these structural and institutional barriers
    • lead from an asset based mindset to eliminate predictability of student
    • outcomes and success 
    • redistribute resources to our most marginalized students, families and team members

    So that we, 

    dismantle oppressive systems and structures rooted in racism, and center our most marginalized students and team members, with a focus on racial and educational equity.

    Programs for educators and the community
    We offer a variety of programs for DPS educators and the Denver community that focus specifically on building equity:

  • Culture, Engagement and Leadership Team

    1860 Lincoln St.
    Denver, CO 80203

    Alyssa Richason
    (Pronouns: She/Her/Hers)

    A. Richason

    Senior Manager, Engagement Initiatives

