CollaboRATE Survey

  • 2024 CollaboRATE Engage Results

    The CollaboRATE survey is an opportunity for DPS to measure how well we are collectively building conditions in support of our vision where Every Learner Thrives. This vision of Every Learner Thrives states that every member of Team DPS is an educator, meaning that each member of Team DPS sees themselves -- and each other -- as valued contributors working together to achieve this collective goal.

    The CollaboRATE initiative has been divided into two distinct surveys this year to measure our progress toward our goal. 

    1. In the CollaboRATE Leader Survey, you will provide leader feedback. As a learning organization, we need to ensure our leaders have meaningful opportunities to receive feedback directly from those they lead, allowing them to build a foundation of continuous growth and improvement.
    2. In May, all members of Team DPS will be asked to answer questions about how engaged and satisfied you feel in the district and your school or department. We are asking these questions to illuminate specific areas where we can improve our Adult Experience.

    CollaboRATE Results: Receiving and Responding to Feedback 

    Leaders and Staff will have access to CollaboRATE results in a variety of formats. 

    • CollaboRATE Leader Direct Report
      • If you receive five or more responses from your direct reports, you will receive an emailed report.
    • CollaboRATE Leader Indirect Report 
      • If you are a leader and you receive five or more responses from those who are not your direct reports, you will receive an emailed report.
    • School/Department Engagement Report 
      • If you are a leader and have five or more team members respond to the second CollaboRATE survey, you will receive a school/department-specific report with your team’s responses to the Engagement questions.
    • District-Wide Engagement Dashboard 
      • All employees will have access to the DPS engagement data from the second CollaboRATE survey. 

    If you have any questions about the reports, email

    Who Receives a CollaboRATE Report?

    For any remaining unanswered questions about the reports, email See also the FAQs below.


      Frequently Asked Questions