Women's History Month
Women's History Month is an annual declared month that highlights the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society.
As we continue to engage in the work of racial, gender and educational equity, we must remember that women and those who identify as women, should be celebrated for their achievements and innovative approaches to education in our society today.

Resources from the Academics Division
Resources for the Classroom
Kennedy Arts Center - Digital Resources Library - replace above link with this link, searching for ArtsEdge brings you to this page now.
Women composers (Classic FM website) - list and short bios of influential women composers throughout music history
Women Conductors (Classic FM website) - list and short bios of influential women conductors today
History Liberated: Sora eBook and audiobook collection - Sora collection highlighting the perspectives of historically marginalized groups to provide a well-rounded view of our nation's past and present.
Girl Power: Sora eBook and audiobook collection - Sora collection of girl-empowering books featuring smart, confident, and courageous females.
National Women's History Museum - Our mission is to tell the stories of women who transformed our nation. We will do that through a growing state-of-the-art online presence and a future physical museum to educate, inspire, empower, shape the future, and provide a complete view of American history.
Online Exhibits | National Women's History Museum - Online exhibits from the National Women’s History Museum.
Unladylike2020 - UNLADYLIKE2020 is a series of 26 short films and a one-hour documentary profiling diverse and little-known American women from the turn of the 20th century, and contemporary women who follow in their footsteps. Winner of the 2020 Women Transforming Media award, the series premiered on PBS’s American Masters in honor of the centennial of women's suffrage, and is narrated by acclaimed actors Julianna Margulies and Lorraine Toussaint.
Unladylike2020 - Classroom Resources - UNLADYLIKE2020 also offers a free history curriculum and lesson plans based on the 26 women profiled. This content is appropriate for students in grades 6-12.
Life Story: Marsha P. Johnson - The story of a transgender activist who participated in the Stonewall Uprising and fought for equal rights.
Life Story: Christine Jorgensen - The story of an overnight pop culture icon who used her celebrity status to advocate for the acceptance of transgender people.
Notable Women in Colorado History - These women are pioneers — pioneers in their fields, pioneers championing the rights of other women, pioneers in Colorado's history.
Bold Women. Change History. The Exhibit - Bold Women. Change History. is a memorable and telling story of how Colorado’s voters became America’s first to extend voting rights beyond men on November 7, 1893. The exhibit highlights topics that are especially resonant during this presidential election year, like grassroots organizing, the influence of news outlets, and racism in political advocacy. Visitors to this intimate display will gain a newly informed perspective on the significance and power of the right to vote.
Center for Colorado Women's History - The Center for Colorado Women’s History focuses on scholarship, research, lectures, tours and exhibits that expand the understanding and collective memory of the history of women in Colorado. Most importantly, the Center is connecting local stories to the broader stories of women’s history worldwide.
Articles on Feminism:
Why Our Feminism Must Be Intersectional (And 3 Ways to Practice It) - Without an intersectional lens, our movements cannot be truly anti-oppressive because it is not, in fact, possible to tease apart the oppressions that people are experiencing. Racism for women of color cannot be separated from their gendered oppression. A trans person with a disability cannot choose which part of their identity is most in need of liberation.
Zinn Ed Project:
Hands on the Freedom Plow: Personal Accounts by Women in SNCC - Zinn Education Project - In Hands on the Freedom Plow, fifty-two women — southern and northern, old and young, rural and urban, black, white, and Latina — share their courageous personal stories of working for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement.
Learning for Justice:
Honoring Women's History | Learning for Justice - Women around the world are—and have been—at the forefront of campaigns for human rights and environmental justice. In this edition of The Moment, you'll find resources for teaching about women's leadership and contributions all year.
Honor Trans Women This Women's History Month | Learning for Justice - This Women’s History Month, as always, it’s important to recognize that women’s rights include trans rights. You can begin by introducing your students to some of the activists and changemakers who fought—and continue to fight—for equal rights for all women.
Rediscovering Forgotten Women Writers | Learning for Justice - Honoring the far-reaching contribution of women authors. In her book Silences, first published in 1978, U.S. writer Tillie Olsen pointed out that most literary anthologies included only one woman writer for every 12 men. If one searches more recent publications, the average ratio is slightly better: one to every five or six. But language arts teachers should not let this modest progress lull them into thinking that the problem of under-representation of female authors is solved or the challenge over.
Hidden Figures of Women's History: Cathay Williams | Learning for Justice - Nearly 80 years before women officially were allowed to serve in the U.S. Army, former slave Cathay Williams did so, patrolling the western United States as a member of the all-black Buffalo Soldiers.
Teachers Righting History - Teachers Righting History is an educational project started by former Treasurer of the United States Rosie Rios that highlights historic American women in classrooms across the country. Using a database of information collected by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s recent effort to redesign the nation’s currency, teachers and students have the ability to discuss and post images (or other creative concepts) of historic American women in their classrooms as a teaching tool.ok
State-by-state: USA TODAY Network's Women of the Century marks 100 years since the 19th Amendment - Since we are commemorating the 100th anniversary of women being granted the right to vote in the United States, we would limit the women to those who lived between 1920 and today. The women needed to be U.S. citizens. We focused on women with documented and outstanding achievements in areas such as arts and literature, business, civil rights, education, entertainment, law, media, nonprofits and philanthropy, politics, science and medicine, and sports. To spotlight as many women as possible, we aimed to have every list be unique.
Excerpt from womenshistorymonth.gov
Women’s History Month had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982 as “Women’s History Week.” Throughout the next five years, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in March as “Women’s History Week.” In 1987 after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” Between 1988 and 1994, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year as Women’s History Month. Since 1995, presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.” These proclamations celebrate the contributions women have made to the United States and recognize the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields
As a district we will be honoring one woman nominated from each school or department that is making "HER"story within the team or department. Nominees will be honored on March 19th at an awards ceremony. To nominate a woman fill out this form.
Invite Us!
Let us know how you're celebrating Women's History Month at your school so we can attend or highlight your event! Invite us HERE