True Pay Courses



    Links to E-Learning training is available to all employees.    Click or expand the employee category below to which you belong to access all training available for you to take.    Click the course name to link directly into the course registration.    You will use your DPS login credentials to register and directly access the training video.

    Recommended browsers to view training:   CHROME or FIREFOX

  • EXEMPT EMPLOYEES (Non-Teacher)

    Video Title (Link)

    Training Content

    True Pay Introduction

    Overview of process and dashboard navigation


    True Pay Timesheet navigation, time entry and time edits

    Requesting Time Off

    Step-by-Step instructions on submitting and tracking time off requests, use of system calendar and viewing leave balances

    Requesting Leave of Absence

    Step-by-Step instructions on submitting a request for long term leave, such as military, health, FMLA, etc.

    Additional Pay

    Policy and system entries related to Overtime, Premium Pay, Extra Duty Pay and Stipends

    Amending Prior Period Timesheets 

    Timesheet entries to prior periods, time limits and process overview


    Video Title (Link)

    Training Content

    True Pay Introduction

    Overview of process and dashboard navigation


    True Pay Timesheet navigation, time entry and time edits

    Requesting Time Off

    Step-by-Step instructions on submitting and tracking time off requests, use of system calendar and viewing leave balances

    Requesting Leave of Absence

    Step-by-Step instructions on submitting a request for long term leave, such as military, health, FMLA, etc.

    Additional Pay

    Policy and system entries related to Overtime, Premium Pay, Extra Duty Pay and Stipends

    Amending Prior Period Timesheets  

    Timesheet entries to prior periods, time limits and process overview


    Training appropriate for all non-exempt employees as well as hourly exempt (i.e., hourly administrators, long term substitutes, etc.)

    Video Title (Link)

    Training Content

    True Pay Introduction

    Overview of process and dashboard navigation

    Clocking In and Out

    Clocking in and out through Web Clock or Terminal


    True Pay Timesheet navigation, time entry and time edits

    Requesting Time Off

    Step-by-Step instructions on submitting and tracking time off requests, use of system calendar and viewing leave balances

    Requesting Leave of Absence

    Step-by-Step instructions on submitting a request for long term leave, such as military, health, FMLA, etc.

    Additional Pay

    Policy and system entries related to Overtime, Premium Pay, Extra Duty Pay and Stipends

    Amending Prior Period Timesheets 

    Timesheet entries to prior periods, time limits and process overview


    The following courses are related to the tasks associated to your role as a reviewer or supervisor completing approvals.    Please make sure you also review the training for you as either an Exempt or Non-Exempt employee.

    Video Title (Link)

    Training Content

    Time Off Request Approvals

    Process and step-by-step instructions on reviewing time off requests through online process flow in True Pay

    Timesheet Approvals

    Process and step-by-step instructions on review, modification and approval of employee timesheets


    Review, assignment and updates to employee daily time schedules in True Pay


    Purpose and instructions on creating management and audit reports in True Pay

  • TEACHERS (Contracted)

    Long Term Substitues - Refer to Non-Exempt & Hourly Exempt training.

    Video Title (Link)

    Training Content

    Time Entry Process for Teachers 

    Overview of time tracking and entry for teachers

    True Pay Introduction

    Overview of process and dashboard navigation


    True Pay Timesheet navigation, time entry and time edits

    Requesting Leave of Absence

    Step-by-Step instructions on submitting a request for long term leave, such as military, health, FMLA, etc.

    Additional Pay

    Policy and system entries related to Overtime, Premium Pay, Extra Duty Pay and Stipends

    Amending Prior Period Timesheets 

    Timesheet entries to prior periods, time limits and process overview