Contracting for Services (ICA/PSA)
Before initiating a Contract for Services, please be sure to check the Contracted Vendor List. If the supplier is on this list, the Independent Contractor Questionnaire and scope of work are not required. You may enter a requisition referencing the bid number from the Contracted Vendors List. Attach quote(s) to the requisition following the purchasing threshold guidelines in step 3.
Independent Contractor Agreements (ICA) and Professional Services Agreements (PSA) can be initiated in a few easy steps. Please follow the process below BEFORE you allow suppliers to provide services to the District at the school or department level:
- Complete the Independent Contractor Questionnaire (ICQ).
- Once the ICQ is approved, download, complete, and save the Scope of Work Form.
- Enter a requisition and attach the completed Scope of Work Form and quote(s).
- For Services under $10,000, one quote is required.
- For Services between $10,000 and $250,000, two quotes are required.
- For Services over $250,000, a competitive bid is required. Please contact the Purchasing Department to facilitate the competitive bidding process. Note: Services over $1,000,000 will also require Board approval.
- Once Purchasing has received the approved requisition with required documentation, an agreement will be sent to the Contracted Supplier, the budget owner and, based on the dollar amount, subsequent internal approvers based on Board Policy. Federally Funded service contracts will also be routed to the Grants Department for review and approval. Note: Independent Contractor whose services are over $10,000 will need to have their Contract notarized.
- After the agreement is fully executed (signed by all parties), the Purchasing Department will issue a Purchase Order.
*** There are unique provisions that must be met for Colorado PERA Retirees. Please review all Colorado PERA rules.
Contracting for Services Forms:
Independent Contractor Questionnaire:
Policy Purpose:
- To provide guidelines for distinguishing between an employee and an independent contractor to safeguard the District from potential liability related to incorrect classification. Significant tax and legal consequences including penalty may result if an individual who meet the IRS's definition of an employee is erroneously treated as an individual contractor. The policy is intended to ensure that independent contractors are appropriately classified as such.
- If a worker does not qualify as an independent contractor, you do have the option to hire the individual as a DPS employee through your HR Partner - either on a regular or temporary basis.
To Learn More:
IC vs Employee Training: utilize this direct link or search for Employee Independent Contractor in Learning Space to access the training.
Purchasing Department
780 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-423-1310
Fax: 720-423-1516Cindy Roth
Interim Director of Financial Operations
Cindy_Roth@dpsk12.orgElaine Grimmett
Site Manager