Guides and Forms
General Purchasing Guidelines
The District's preferred method for acquiring goods costing less than $10,000 is our VISA Purchasing Card (PCard). For more information on receiving and using the District PCard, visit Purchasing Card (PCard).
Rocky Mountain E- Purchasing System (BidNet):
Please direct all suppliers to BidNet. This is where all solicitation opportunities for Denver Public Schools will be posted.
EON (Office Supplies):
EON is the District's preferred supplier of office supplies and equipment. They are a local and woman owned business that has been providing the District with excellent products and customer service for over 10 years. Please let EON be your first stop when purchasing office supplies and equipment.
Amazon DPS's Business Account:
We are pleased to offer the District Amazon Business account to all schools and departments. This account ensures discount pricing, tax exemption, Prime Membership, and ease of use. To join, please contact If you need Amazon Business support, please call 888.281.3847.
Home Depot, Walmart, or
Please use the corresponding tax exempt forms so you are not charged sales tax on their purchases.
Sam's Club:
To apply for a DPS Membership, you will need the DPS Colorado Tax Exemption Certificate.
Miscellaneous - Job Aids
Purchasing Forms
Requisition / Receiving Guides
Requisition / Receiving Guides
General Guides
Requisition Fund /PO Status Definitions
EON Online Quick Reference User Guide
Create a Goods Requisition
Create a Services Requisition
Create a Requisition using DHE Punchout
Duplicate a Requisition
Edit and Re-Submit a Returned Requisition
Delete or Cancel a Requisition
Correct Receipts Against Orders
Forward a Requisition - Add Approver
View a Requisition Lifecycle, Change History, and Approval History
Advanced Search, Saved Search, and Export in Manage Requisition
Set Requisition Preferences - Multiple Accounts
Review and Approve a Requisition or Ask for More Information
Contracting for Services Forms
Contracting for Services
PCard (VISA) - Forms
PCard Forms
NOTE: These forms are documents in the Google Drive. After you click on one, click the download button in the top right corner to create a fillable PDF.
- PCard Internal Transfer Form
- Colorado Tax Exemption Certificate
- Credit Limit Adjustment Request Form
- Food Approval Form
- Food Documentation Form
- Gift Card Purchase Request Form
- International Purchase Request Form
- Miscellaneous Debit/Credit Form
- PCard Application and Agreement
- PCard Reinstatement Application
- PCard Travel Procedures
- Prohibited Transaction List
- Reimburse the District Form
- Rental Vehicle Request Form
- Street Metered Parking Log
- Unavailable Documentation Form
Purchasing Department
780 Grant Street
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 720-423-1310
Fax: 720-423-1516Cindy Roth
Interim Director of Financial Operations
Cindy_Roth@dpsk12.orgElaine Grimmett
Site Manager